Comment example for Access 2.0

This example does the following:

1. Loads an image from a TIFF file.

2. Updates and modifies one of the comments.

3. Modifies and saves the file.

4. Reads the comment that was saved, and displays it in a message box.

Note: Access 2.0 produces an untrappable error if you try to read a comment that does not exist in a file. This problem does not occur with later versions of Access.

Dim MyCommentText As String     'For the comment string that we add
Dim NewCommentText As String    'For the CMNT_SZDESC comment that we read
Dim TmpVariant As Variant       'For holding the current CMNT_SZDESC comment
Dim FilePath As String          'File to be updated

'Specify the file that we will update.
FilePath = "c:\lead\images\testcmt.tif"

'Clear the current CMNT_SZDESC comment.
Me![Lead1].Object.Comment(CMNT_SZDESC) = Empty

'Load and modify the image.
Me![Lead1].Object.Load FilePath, 0, 0, 1

'Update the CMNT_SZDESC comment.
TmpVariant = Me![Lead1].Object.ReadComment(FilePath, 0, CMNT_SZDESC)
MyCommentText = Chr(13) + "This image has been reversed."
Me![Lead1].Object.Comment(CMNT_SZDESC) = TmpVariant + MyCommentText

'Save the file.
Me![Lead1].Object.Save FilePath, FILE_TIF, Me![Lead1].Object.BitmapBits, 0, SAVE_OVERWRITE

'Read the comment that we saved.
NewCommentText = Me![Lead1].Object.ReadComment(FilePath, 0, CMNT_SZDESC)

'Display the message
MsgBox NewCommentText

'Clear the comment from memory
Me![Lead1].Object.Comment(CMNT_SZDESC) = Empty