dbAddNew method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Access 95, 97 example

Visual J++ example

Syntax void dbAddNew ();

Overview:  Refer to Managing Images in a Database


Prepares a new, empty record for the current the recordset.

After you call dbAddNew, you can set values in the record's fields. (You do not have to call the dbEdit method for this purpose; use dbEdit only for existing records.) When you subsequently call the dbUpdate method, changed values are saved in the data source.

You must call the dbRequery method to see the newly added record.

Note: If you move to a new record before you call the dbUpdate method, the new record is lost, and no warning is given.

See Also

Elements:  dbEdit method, dbUpdate method, dbDelete method, dbLockingMode property

Topics:  Databases: Using ODBC