HistogramTable property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Access 2.0 example

Access 95, 97 example
Visual J++ example

Syntax long HistogramTable (long iIndex);

Overview:  Refer to Using Histograms.


Is a table that charts the number of occurrences of each intensity level in the bitmap.

Intensity levels range from:

0 to 255 for bitmaps other than 12 or 16-bit grayscale.

0 to 4095 for 12-bit bitmaps.

0 to 65535 for 16-bit bitmaps.

The current intensity values correspond to the table indexes. You can load the table with values for red, green, blue, or all color channels. Use the GetHistogram method to update the table.

See Also

Elements:  HistogramTableSize property, GetHistogram method, HistogramGrayTable property

Topics:  Raster Images: Using Histograms
Changing Brightness and Contrast