OLEDropAllowed property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Access 2.0 example

Access 95, 97 example
Visual J++ example

Syntax BOOL OLEDropAllowed

Overview:  Refer to Loading a Bitmap from a File.


(Persistent property, available at design time) Determines whether the Main Control will attempt to load an image file that is dropped onto it in a drag-and-drop operation.

If OLEDropAllowed is TRUE, an OLEDropFile event will occur for each file dropped.

The drag-and-drop operation loads the image at its own bits per pixel. If it is a multipage file, only the first page is loaded.

Note: You should set this property to FALSE (0) before closing your window. Otherwise the operating system may not release the window.

Note: When using the LEAD ActiveX control on a web page, you should set this property to False on the Unload Event. For example, in VBScript this is done as follows:

Sub Window_OnUnload
LEAD1.OLEDropAllowed = False
end Sub




Loading an image through an OLE drag-and-drop operation is enabled.


Loading an image through an OLE drag-and-drop operation is disabled.

See Also

Elements:  OLEDropAutoLoad property, OLEDropFile event

Topics:  Working with the Control: General Behavior
Raster Images: Loading Files