SetDstRect method (Main Control)

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Syntax short SetDstRect (float fLeft, float fTop, float fWidth, float fHeight);

Overview:  Refer to Displaying an Image.


Sets the destination rectangle that is used when painting an image.

The destination rectangle determines how the source rectangle is scaled and how the image is positioned in the device context.

Because of a Windows limitation, destination rectangle measurements, when converted to pixels, cannot exceed the maximum value of an integer. On WIN32 systems, this is rarely a problem. LEADTOOLS returns an ERROR_INV_RANGE error if the problem occurs. An alternative for scaling large images is to make the source rectangle smaller, using the SetSrcRect method.

The AutoScroll property must be FALSE before setting DstLeft or DstTop.

See Also

Elements:  SetDstClipRect method, SetSrcClipRect method, SetSrcRect method

Topics:  Raster Images: Displaying Images