TransitionEffect property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Access 2.0 example

Access 95, 97 example
Visual J++ example

Syntax short TransitionEffect

Overview:  Refer to Using Special Effects When Painting.


(Persistent property, available at design time) Specifies the transitional effect to use when painting. For possible values, refer to the PaintEffect property.

A transition effect, if implemented, occurs before an image is painted. The transition can paint a solid color, a pattern, or a gradient color. The TransitionStyle property determines whether a transitional effect is used when painting.

LEADTOOLS provides over 2000 defined constant identifiers for effects. Visual Basic users must include L_OCXEFX.BAS in order to use the defined constant identifiers. This file can be found in the lead\include directory.

See Also

Elements:  PaintEffect property

Topics:  Raster Images: Implementing Special Effects