Available in the LEADTOOLS Imaging toolkit. |
SetJPEGCompression method (ILEADRasterTwain)
Overview |
Sets the JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session.
This method lets the user set JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session, or reset the default JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session, depending on the flag passed to the iFlags parameter.
To get the JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session, call the GetJPEGCompression method.
To set new JPEG compression options, get the current options by calling the GetJPEGCompression method. This will update the JPEGCompressionData property. This property provides access to the ITwainJpegCompression properties. Set these ITwainJpegCompression properties to the new values and then call the SetJPEGCompression method.
A TWAIN session is started by calling the InitSession method.
See Also
Elements |
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