Available in the LEADTOOLS Imaging toolkit. |
FindFastConfig Example for Visual Basic
Private Sub RasterTwain_FastConfigEvent(ByVal pltResConfig As LTRASTERTWAINLib.ILTFastConfig)
' ... set your code here
RasterTwain.StopFindFastConfig = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim nRet As Integer
Dim str As String
'Unlock Document support.
'Note that this is a sample key, which will not work in your toolkit.
RasterTwain.UnlockSupport L_SUPPORT_DOCUMENT, "TestKey"
RasterTwain.EnableFastConfigEvent = True
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigsCount = 2
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigs(0).TransferMode = L_LTWAIN_FILE_MODE
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigs(0).FileFormat = FILE_BMP
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigs(0).BitsPerPixel = 1
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigs(1).TransferMode = L_LTWAIN_FILE_MODE
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigs(1).FileFormat = FILE_TIF
RasterTwain.UserFastConfigs(1).BitsPerPixel = 1
nRet = RasterTwain.FindFastConfig("c:\Twain", L_LTWAIN_SHOW_USER_INTERFACE, 1, 1)
If nRet = 0 Then
MsgBox "FindFastConfig method was successful"
MsgBox "Result Scan Configs count = " + CStr(RasterTwain.FastConfigsResultCount)
str = "Transfer Mode = " + CStr(RasterTwain.FastConfigsResult(0).TransferMode) + Chr(13) + _
"File Format = " + CStr(RasterTwain.FastConfigsResult(0).FileFormat) + Chr(13) + _
"Buffer Size = " + CStr(RasterTwain.FastConfigsResult(0).BufferSize) + Chr(13) + _
"Required Time = " + CStr(RasterTwain.FastConfigsResult(0).RequiredTime)
MsgBox str, vbOKOnly, "Result Scan Configurations..."
str = "Transfer Mode = " + CStr(RasterTwain.BestFastConfig.TransferMode) + Chr(13) + _
"File Format = " + CStr(RasterTwain.BestFastConfig.FileFormat) + Chr(13) + _
"Buffer Size = " + CStr(RasterTwain.BestFastConfig.BufferSize) + Chr(13) + _
"Required Time = " + CStr(RasterTwain.BestFastConfig.RequiredTime)
MsgBox str, vbOKOnly, "Resulting Scan Configurations..."
MsgBox "Error occurred in the FindFastConfig method!!!", vbOKOnly, "Error!!!"
End If
End Sub