Thumbnail Property (ILEADRasterDlgFile)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long Thumbnail;


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs


Gets or sets a handle to a thumbnail image. This property is updated by the Open dialog box. This property can be read if you include OPEN_GENERATETHUMBNAIL in the UIFlags property.

You can assign 0 to this property to free the existing thumbnail bitmap.

If you set OPEN_ALLOWMULTI in the FileDlgFlags property, and OPEN_GENERATETHUMBNAIL in the UIFlags property, this property will be valid only during the FileLoad event. When each FileLoad event occurs this property will contain one of the selected (loaded) file’s thumbnails. The FileLoad event will occur for each of the selected files opened using the Open dialog box. In this case you can’t assign this property to 0.

See Also


ShowOpenDlg method