LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 (Leadtools.Jpip.Server assembly) Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
JpipServer Class
See Also  Members  
Leadtools.Jpip.Server Namespace : JpipServer Class

The JpipServer Class includes members that are available as an add-on to the LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical Imaging toolkits.

Provides a simple, programmatically controlled JPIP protocol server.

Object Model

JpipServer ClassJpipServerConfiguration Class


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class JpipServer 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As JpipServer
public class JpipServer 
public ref class JpipServer 


Visual BasicCopy Code
Public Class RunServerExample
      Private _server As JpipServer
      Private _logWriter As WindowsLogWriter

      Private _responseCount As Integer
      Private _loggingFileName As String
      Private _loggingFileEnabled As Boolean

      Private Const LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS As String = ""
      Private Const SERVER_NAME As String = "LEAD JPIP Server - Test Server"
      Private Const PORT_107 As Integer = 107
      Private CACHE_DIRECTORY As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000")
      Private IMAGES_DIRECTORY As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000")
      Private IMAGE_NAME As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Earth8000_Precint_4_.j2k")

      Public Sub New()
         _server = New JpipServer()
         _logWriter = New WindowsLogWriter()

         _responseCount = 0
         _loggingFileEnabled = True
         _loggingFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Server Logs\log.txt")

      End Sub

      Public Sub StartServer()

         'Interactive handling
         AddHandler _server.RequestReceived, AddressOf _server_RequestReceived
         AddHandler _server.ResponseSending, AddressOf _server_ResponseSending

         'Handle event logs
         AddHandler EventLogger.EventLog, AddressOf EventLogger_EventLog

         'clear the server cache

         'Add custom logging channel
         If (Not EventLogger.ContainsLoggingChannel(_logWriter)) Then
         End If

         EventLogger.LogEvent(SERVER_NAME, LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, PORT_107.ToString(), "", "", DateTime.Now, Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntryEventType.Information, "", "LEAD Example Started")
         'start the server

         Debug.Assert(_server.IsRunning, "Server did not start.")

         ' client side 
         Dim jpipViewer As JpipRasterImageViewer = New JpipRasterImageViewer()
         AddHandler jpipViewer.FileOpened, AddressOf jpipViewer_FileOpened

      End Sub

      Private Sub jpipViewer_FileOpened(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
         Dim jpipViewer As JpipRasterImageViewer = DirectCast(sender, JpipRasterImageViewer)


         'Server side
         If _server.IsRunning Then
         End If

         EventLogger.LogEvent(SERVER_NAME, LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, PORT_107.ToString(), "", "", DateTime.Now, Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntryEventType.Information, "", "LEAD Example Ended")

      End Sub

      Private Sub EventLogger_EventLog(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntry)
         Console.WriteLine("Server Name: {0}; Server IP: {1}; Server Port: {2}; Client IP: {3}; Client Port: {4}; Channel ID: {5}; Event Type: {6}; Description: {7}", e.ServerName, e.ServerIPAddress, e.ServerPort, e.ClientIPAddress, e.ClientPort, e.ChannelID, e.Type.ToString(), e.Description)
      End Sub

      Private Sub _server_ResponseSending(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ResponseSendingEventArgs)
         Dim dataFolder As String
         Dim dumpClientIP As String
         Dim dumpClientPort As Integer

         dataFolder = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ServerResponses")
         dumpClientIP = ""
         dumpClientPort = 121

         If (Not Directory.Exists(dataFolder)) Then
         End If

         If (e.ClientIpAddress = dumpClientIP) AndAlso (e.ClientPort = dumpClientPort) Then
            Dim subDirectoryPath As String
            Dim responseDataFile As String

            _responseCount += 1

            subDirectoryPath = String.Concat(dataFolder, "\", dumpClientIP)
            responseDataFile = String.Concat(subDirectoryPath, "\response_", _responseCount)

            If (Not Directory.Exists(subDirectoryPath)) Then
            End If

            File.WriteAllBytes(responseDataFile, e.Data)
         End If
      End Sub

      Private Sub _server_RequestReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RequestReceivedEventArgs)
         Dim denyClientIpAddress As String = ""
         Dim denyClientPort As Integer = 120

         If (e.ClientIpAddress = denyClientIpAddress) AndAlso (e.ClientPort = denyClientPort) Then
            e.Deny = True

            e.StatusCode = CInt(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
            e.Description = "Server refused to process request."
         End If
      End Sub

      Public Sub ResetServerConfiguration()
         If (Not _server.IsRunning) Then
            Dim appConfigSettings As JpipConfiguration

            'for reading from configuration file settings
            appConfigSettings = New JpipConfiguration()

            'Server Settings
            _server.Configuration.ServerName = SERVER_NAME
            _server.Configuration.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS
            _server.Configuration.Port = PORT_107
            _server.Configuration.ImagesFolder = IMAGES_DIRECTORY
            _server.Configuration.CacheFolder = CACHE_DIRECTORY
            _server.Configuration.MaxServerBandwidth = ConfigurationDefaults.MaxServerBandwidth
            _server.Configuration.CacheSize = appConfigSettings.CacheSize
            _server.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = True
            _server.Configuration.ChunkSize = 512
            _server.Configuration.MaxClientCount = 5
            _server.Configuration.ConnectionIdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ConfigurationDefaults.ConnectionIdleTimeout)
            _server.Configuration.MaxSessionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ConfigurationDefaults.MaxSessionLifetime)
            _server.Configuration.MaxConnectionBandwidth = ConfigurationDefaults.MaxConnectionBandwidth

            'Communication Settings
            _server.Configuration.MaxTransportConnections = 15
            _server.Configuration.HandshakeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ConfigurationDefaults.HandshakeTimeout)
            _server.Configuration.RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ConfigurationDefaults.RequestTimeout)
            _server.Configuration.ChunkSize = ConfigurationDefaults.ChunkSize
            'Images Settings
            _server.Configuration.ImageParsingTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ConfigurationDefaults.ImageParsingTimeout)
            _server.Configuration.PartitionBoxSize = 30
            _server.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = appConfigSettings.DivideSuperBoxes
            'Logging Settings
            _server.Configuration.LoggingFile = _loggingFileName
            _server.Configuration.EnableLogging = _loggingFileEnabled
            _server.Configuration.LogInformation = True
            _server.Configuration.LogWarnings = True
            _server.Configuration.LogDebug = True
            _server.Configuration.LogErrors = True

         End If
      End Sub

      Private Sub AddAliasFolders()
         Dim alias_Renamed As String = "LeadImages"
         Dim physicalPath As String = LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir

         'Set server aliases folder
         If _server.Configuration.IsAliasExists(alias_Renamed) Then
            If _server.Configuration.GetAliasPath(alias_Renamed) <> physicalPath Then
            End If
         End If

         _server.Configuration.AddAliasFolder(alias_Renamed, physicalPath)
      End Sub

      Public Sub SetViewer(ByVal viewer As JpipRasterImageViewer)
         viewer.CacheDirectoryName = CACHE_DIRECTORY
         viewer.PortNumber = PORT_107
         viewer.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS
         viewer.PacketSize = 16384
         viewer.ChannelType = JpipChannelTypes.HttpChannel
      End Sub

      Private Class WindowsLogWriter : Implements ILogginChannel

         Public Sub WriteLog(ByVal logEntry As Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntry) Implements ILogginChannel.WriteLog
            Dim message As String

            message = String.Format("Server Name: {0}; Server IP: {1}; Server Port: {2}; Client IP: {3}; Client Port: {4}; Channel ID: {5}; Event Type: {6}; Description: {7}", logEntry.ServerName, logEntry.ServerIPAddress, logEntry.ServerPort, logEntry.ClientIPAddress, logEntry.ClientPort, logEntry.ChannelID, logEntry.Type.ToString(), logEntry.Description)

            System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("JPIP LEAD Server", message)
         End Sub
      End Class
   End Class

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
C#Copy Code
private JpipServer _server;
      private WindowsLogWriter _logWriter;
      private int _responseCount;
      private string _loggingFileName;
      private bool _loggingFileEnabled;
      private const string LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS = "";
      private const string SERVER_NAME = "LEAD JPIP Server - Test Server";
      private const int PORT_107 = 107;
      private string CACHE_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000");
      private string IMAGES_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000");
      private string IMAGE_NAME = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Earth8000_Precint_4_.j2k");
      private string LOG_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Server Logs");
      private string LOG_FILE_NAME = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "log.txt");
      public RunServerExamples ()
         _server = new JpipServer ( ) ;
         _logWriter = new WindowsLogWriter ( ) ;
         _responseCount = 0 ;
         _loggingFileEnabled = true;

         if(!File.Exists(LOG_DIRECTORY + LOG_FILE_NAME))
             File.WriteAllText(LOG_FILE_NAME, " ");
         _loggingFileName = LOG_FILE_NAME;

      void EventLogger_EventLog(object sender, Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntry e)
         Console.WriteLine ( "Server Name: {0}; Server IP: {1}; Server Port: {2}; Client IP: {3}; Client Port: {4}; Channel ID: {5}; Event Type: {6}; Description: {7}",
                              e.ServerName, e.ServerIPAddress, e.ServerPort, 
                              e.ClientIPAddress, e.ClientPort, e.ChannelID, 
                              e.Type.ToString ( ), e.Description ) ;

      void _server_ResponseSending(object sender, ResponseSendingEventArgs e)
         string dataFolder;
         string dumpClientIP ;
         int dumpClientPort ;
         dataFolder = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ServerResponses");
         dumpClientIP = "" ;
         dumpClientPort = 1207 ;

         if (!Directory.Exists(dataFolder))
            Directory.CreateDirectory( dataFolder);

         if ( (e.ClientIpAddress == dumpClientIP) && ( e.ClientPort == dumpClientPort ) )
            string subDirectoryPath;
            string responseDataFile;

            subDirectoryPath = string.Concat(dataFolder, "\\", dumpClientIP);
            responseDataFile = string.Concat(subDirectoryPath, "\\response_", _responseCount);

            if (!Directory.Exists(subDirectoryPath))
            File.WriteAllBytes(responseDataFile, e.Data);

      void _server_RequestReceived(object sender, RequestReceivedEventArgs e)
         string denyClientIpAddress = "" ;
         int denyClientPort = 120 ;
         if ( ( e.ClientIpAddress == denyClientIpAddress ) && ( e.ClientPort == denyClientPort ) )
            e.Deny = true ;

            e.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
            e.Description = "Server refused to process request.";

      public void ResetServerConfiguration ( )
         if ( !_server.IsRunning )
            JpipConfiguration appConfigSettings ;

            //for reading from configuration file settings
            appConfigSettings = new JpipConfiguration ( ) ;

            //Server Settings
            _server.Configuration.ServerName = SERVER_NAME;
            _server.Configuration.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS;
            _server.Configuration.Port = PORT_107;
            _server.Configuration.ImagesFolder = IMAGES_DIRECTORY;
            _server.Configuration.CacheFolder = CACHE_DIRECTORY;
            _server.Configuration.MaxServerBandwidth = ConfigurationDefaults.MaxServerBandwidth;
            _server.Configuration.CacheSize = appConfigSettings.CacheSize;
            _server.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = true;
            _server.Configuration.ChunkSize = 512;
            _server.Configuration.MaxClientCount = 5;
            _server.Configuration.ConnectionIdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( ConfigurationDefaults.ConnectionIdleTimeout ) ;
            _server.Configuration.MaxSessionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( ConfigurationDefaults.MaxSessionLifetime ) ;
            _server.Configuration.MaxConnectionBandwidth = ConfigurationDefaults.MaxConnectionBandwidth;

            //Communication Settings
            _server.Configuration.MaxTransportConnections = 15;
            _server.Configuration.HandshakeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( ConfigurationDefaults.HandshakeTimeout ) ;
            _server.Configuration.RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( ConfigurationDefaults.RequestTimeout ) ;
            _server.Configuration.ChunkSize = ConfigurationDefaults.ChunkSize;
            //Images Settings
            _server.Configuration.ImageParsingTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( ConfigurationDefaults.ImageParsingTimeout ) ;
            _server.Configuration.PartitionBoxSize = 30;
            _server.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = appConfigSettings.DivideSuperBoxes;
            //Logging Settings
            _server.Configuration.LoggingFile = _loggingFileName;
            _server.Configuration.EnableLogging = _loggingFileEnabled;
            _server.Configuration.LogInformation = true;
            _server.Configuration.LogWarnings = true;
            _server.Configuration.LogDebug = true;
            _server.Configuration.LogErrors = true;


      private void AddAliasFolders()
         string alias = "LeadImages";
         string physicalPath = LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir;
         //Set server aliases folder
         if (_server.Configuration.IsAliasExists(alias))
            if (_server.Configuration.GetAliasPath(alias) != physicalPath)
               return ;
         _server.Configuration.AddAliasFolder(alias, physicalPath);

      public void SetViewer(JpipRasterImageViewer viewer)
         viewer.CacheDirectoryName = CACHE_DIRECTORY;
         viewer.PortNumber = PORT_107;
         viewer.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS;
         viewer.PacketSize = 16384;
         viewer.ChannelType = JpipChannelTypes.HttpChannel;

      private class WindowsLogWriter : ILogginChannel
         public void WriteLog(Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntry logEntry)
            string message;
            message = string.Format("Server Name: {0}; Server IP: {1}; Server Port: {2}; Client IP: {3}; Client Port: {4}; Channel ID: {5}; Event Type: {6}; Description: {7}",
                                      logEntry.ServerName, logEntry.ServerIPAddress, logEntry.ServerPort,
                                      logEntry.ClientIPAddress, logEntry.ClientPort, logEntry.ChannelID,
                                      logEntry.Type.ToString(), logEntry.Description);
            System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("JPIP LEAD Server", message);

       public void StartServer()

           //Interactive handling
           _server.RequestReceived += new EventHandler<RequestReceivedEventArgs>(_server_RequestReceived);
           _server.ResponseSending += new EventHandler<ResponseSendingEventArgs>(_server_ResponseSending);

           //Handle event logs
           EventLogger.EventLog += new EventHandler<Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntry>(EventLogger_EventLog);

           //clear the server cache

           //Add custom logging channel
           if (!EventLogger.ContainsLoggingChannel(_logWriter))
           EventLogger.LogEvent(SERVER_NAME, LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, PORT_107.ToString(), "", "",
                                  DateTime.Now, Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntryEventType.Information,
                                  "", "LEAD Example Started");
           //start the server

           Debug.Assert(_server.IsRunning, "Server did not start.");

           /* client side */
           JpipRasterImageViewer jpipViewer = new JpipRasterImageViewer();

           jpipViewer.FileOpened += new EventHandler(jpipViewer_FileOpened);

      void jpipViewer_FileOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
         JpipRasterImageViewer jpipViewer = ( JpipRasterImageViewer ) sender ;

         /*Server side*/
         if (_server.IsRunning)
         EventLogger.LogEvent(SERVER_NAME, LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, PORT_107.ToString(), "", "",
                                DateTime.Now, Leadtools.Jpip.Logging.EventLogEntryEventType.Information,
                                "", "LEAD Example Ended");

static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";


Using the Leadtools.Jpip.Server.JpipServer class, you can create a JPIP protocol server that responds to JPIP requests from any JPIP compliant client.

To start the server, create a Leadtools.Jpip.Server.JpipServer object then set the Configuration values and call the Start method, the Leadtools.Jpip.Server.JpipServer will listen to requests in a background threads causing the application main thread not to block.

When you are done with the Leadtools.Jpip.Server.JpipServer object call the Stop method.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7

See Also

Leadtools.Jpip.Server requires a JPIP Module and a server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features