Class | Description | |
AutoColorLevelCommand | Applies one of several types of automatic color leveling to an image. | |
AutoTrimCommand | Trims the current bitmap, removing blank space around the edges. | |
ChangeViewPerspectiveCommand | Rotates and flips the image data as necessary to achieve the desired view perspective. | |
ClearCommand | Sets all bits to 0 in the specified image, making it a black image. | |
CloneCommand | Copies an entire source image and places it into a destination image. | |
ColorLevelCommandData | The ColorLevelCommandData class contains color-leveling information for a specific color channel. | |
ColorResolutionCommand | Converts an image from any bits-per-pixel to any bits-per-pixel. | |
CombineCommand | Combines image data from two images (source and destination). | |
CombineFastCommand | Combines image data from two images (source and destination). | |
CopyDataCommand | Copies image data from one RasterImage to another. | |
CopyRectangleCommand | Copies a portion of an image to create another image that is the size of the rectangle that you specify. | |
CropCommand | Crops the image, resulting in an image that is the size of the specified rectangle. | |
DeskewExtendedCommand | Rotates the specified image to straighten it. This command is typically used to automatically straighten scanned images. This method is available in the Document\Medical toolkits. | |
DespeckleCommand | Removes speckles from an image. Typically, this command is used to clean up scanned images (such as FAX images). This command is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. | |
DynamicBinaryCommand | Converts an image into a black and white image without changing its bits per pixel by using a local threshold value for each pixel of the image. | |
FillCommand | Fills the specified RasterImage with the specified color. | |
FlipCommand | Flips an RasterImage from top to bottom or from left to right. | |
GrayScaleCommand | Converts an RasterImage to a grayscale image. | |
RasterCommand | The RasterCommand class implements IRasterCommand. | |
ResizeCommand | Resizes the image from an existing RasterImage. | |
RotateCommand | Rotates an RasterImage by the number of degrees specified. | |
SizeCommand | Resizes an RasterImage to a new width and height. | |
UserFilterCommand | Filters the image based on a user-defined filter / mask. This command is similar to the spatial and binary filter commands. |
Interface | Description | |
IRasterCommand | The IRasterCommand interface allows an inheriting class to implement a RasterCommand class. |
Enumeration | Description | |
AutoColorLevelCommandFlags | Enumeration flags that identify whether the method will process the image. | |
AutoColorLevelCommandType | Enumeration flags that identify the type of leveling to perform. | |
ColorResolutionCommandMode | Indicates options for the ColorResolutionCommand. | |
ColorResolutionCommandPaletteFlags | Palette options, for the ColorResolutionCommand, useful only when the resulting image requires a palette (when it is 8 bits per pixel or less). | |
CombineCommandFlags | Flags for CombineCommand. | |
CombineFastCommandFlags | Flags for CombineFastCommand. | |
DeskewExtendedCommandFlags | Flags for DeskewExtendedCommand. | |
RotateCommandFlags | Flags used with RotateCommand. | |
UserFilterCommandType | Enumeration that indicates the type of operation. |