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AddGdiPlusDataToRegion Method
See Also 

The source image.
Leadtools.RasterRegionXForm object that LEADTOOLS uses to translate between display coordinates and image coordinates. If you specify null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for this parameter, the scalar fields default to 1, the offsets default to 0, and the view perspective defaults to the image view perspective.
A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.RegionData object that defines the region to add.
The action to take regarding the existing image region, if one is defined.
The source image.
Leadtools.RasterRegionXForm object that LEADTOOLS uses to translate between display coordinates and image coordinates. If you specify null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for this parameter, the scalar fields default to 1, the offsets default to 0, and the view perspective defaults to the image view perspective.
A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.RegionData object that defines the region to add.
The action to take regarding the existing image region, if one is defined.
Creates or updates a LEADTOOLS image region using the specified GDI+ region data.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Shared Sub AddGdiPlusDataToRegion( _
   ByVal image As RasterImage, _
   ByVal xform As RasterRegionXForm, _
   ByVal data As RegionData, _
   ByVal combineMode As RasterRegionCombineMode _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim image As RasterImage
Dim xform As RasterRegionXForm
Dim data As RegionData
Dim combineMode As RasterRegionCombineMode
RasterRegionConverter.AddGdiPlusDataToRegion(image, xform, data, combineMode)
public static void AddGdiPlusDataToRegion( 
   RasterImage image,
   RasterRegionXForm xform,
   RegionData data,
   RasterRegionCombineMode combineMode
static void AddGdiPlusDataToRegion( 
   RasterImage^ image,
   RasterRegionXForm^ xform,
   RegionData^ data,
   RasterRegionCombineMode combineMode


The source image.
Leadtools.RasterRegionXForm object that LEADTOOLS uses to translate between display coordinates and image coordinates. If you specify null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for this parameter, the scalar fields default to 1, the offsets default to 0, and the view perspective defaults to the image view perspective.
A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.RegionData object that defines the region to add.
The action to take regarding the existing image region, if one is defined.


This example will use AddGdiPlusDataToRegion and GetGdiPlusRegionData to add an elliptical region to a Leadtools.RasterImage, gets the region as a GDI+ RegionData object then re-sets it in another image.

Visual BasicCopy Code
Public Sub GdiPlusRegionDataExample()
   Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()

   Dim srcFileName As String = LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + "Image1.cmp"
   Dim destFileName As String = LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + "Image1_GdiPlusData.bmp"

   Dim gdipRegionData As RegionData = Nothing

   ' Load the source image
   Using image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(srcFileName)
      ' Add a polygon region to it

      ' Add a polygon region to the image
      Dim x1 As Integer = image.ImageWidth \ 4
      Dim y1 As Integer = image.ImageHeight \ 4
      Dim x2 As Integer = image.ImageWidth \ 3
      Dim y2 As Integer = image.ImageHeight \ 3

      Dim pts() As LeadPoint = _
      { _
         New LeadPoint(x1, y1), _
         New LeadPoint(x2, y1), _
         New LeadPoint(x1, y2), _
         New LeadPoint(x2, y2) _

      image.AddPolygonToRegion(Nothing, pts, LeadFillMode.Winding, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set)

      ' Save the region as a GDI+ RegionData object
      gdipRegionData = RasterRegionConverter.GetGdiPlusRegionData(image, Nothing)
   End Using

   ' Re-load the source image
   Using image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(srcFileName)
      ' Add the GDI+ region data we saved to it
      RasterRegionConverter.AddGdiPlusDataToRegion(image, Nothing, gdipRegionData, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set)

      ' Fill this region with Yellow
      Dim cmd As New FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Yellow))

      ' Save this image
      codecs.Save(image, destFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24)
   End Using

End Sub
C#Copy Code
public void GdiPlusRegionDataExample()
      RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

      string srcFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp");
      string destFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1_GdiPlusData.bmp");

      RegionData gdipRegionData = null;

      // Load the source image
      using(RasterImage image = codecs.Load(srcFileName))
         // Add a polygon region to it

         // Add a polygon region to the image
         int x1 = image.ImageWidth / 4;
         int y1 = image.ImageHeight / 4;
         int x2 = image.ImageWidth / 3;
         int y2 = image.ImageHeight / 3;

         LeadPoint[] pts =
            new LeadPoint(x1, y1),
            new LeadPoint(x2, y1),
            new LeadPoint(x1, y2),
            new LeadPoint(x2, y2)

         image.AddPolygonToRegion(null, pts, LeadFillMode.Winding, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);

         // Save the region as a GDI+ RegionData object
         gdipRegionData = RasterRegionConverter.GetGdiPlusRegionData(image, null);

      // Re-load the source image
      using(RasterImage image = codecs.Load(srcFileName))
         // Add the GDI+ region data we saved to it
         RasterRegionConverter.AddGdiPlusDataToRegion(image, null, gdipRegionData, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);

         // Fill this region with Yellow
         FillCommand cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Yellow));

         // Save this image
         codecs.Save(image, destFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);


static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";


To update an existing region, specify how the new region is to be combined with the existing one using the combineMode parameter. For more information, refer to Leadtools.RasterRegionCombineMode.

This method can be used to copy the region data from one RasterImage to another, using the GetGdiPlusRegionData method.

To get the region data as Windows API HRGN data, use GetGdiRegionData and AddGdiDataToRegion.

To get the region data as platform independent byte array, use RasterRegion.GetData and RasterRegion.SetData.

For more information, refer to Creating a Region.

For more information, refer to Saving A Region.

For more information, refer to Working with the Existing Region.

For more information refer to RasterImage and GDI/GDI+.


Target Platforms: Silverlight 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS/X (Intel Only)

See Also