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MedicalViewerMPRCell Class
See Also  Members  
Leadtools.MedicalViewer Namespace : MedicalViewerMPRCell Class

Represents the class that is used to create and MPR cell.

Object Model

MedicalViewerMPRCell ClassMedicalViewerAnimation ClassMedicalViewerLayoutPosition ClassMedicalViewer ClassPoint2D StructureMedicalViewerCellPosition ClassMedicalViewerReferenceLineProperties ClassMedicalViewerTitlebar Class


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class MedicalViewerMPRCell 
   Inherits MedicalViewerCell
   Implements IComponentISynchronizeInvokeIDisposableIBindableComponentIDropTargetIWin32Window 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As MedicalViewerMPRCell
public ref class MedicalViewerMPRCell : public MedicalViewerCell, IComponentISynchronizeInvokeIDisposableIBindableComponentIDropTargetIWin32Window  


Visual BasicCopy Code
Private Class MedicalViewerMPRForm : Inherits Form
   Private _medicalViewer As MedicalViewer
   Private _seriesManager As MedicalViewerSeriesManager
   Private Sub MedicalViewerMPRForm_SizeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
      _medicalViewer.Size = New Size(Me.ClientRectangle.Right, Me.ClientRectangle.Bottom)
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(ByVal output As MedicalViewerSeriesManager)
      Dim _codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

      AddHandler SizeChanged, AddressOf MedicalViewerMPRForm_SizeChanged

      ' Create the medical viewer and adjust the size and the location.
      _medicalViewer = New MedicalViewer(2, 2)
      _medicalViewer.Location = New Point(0, 0)
      _medicalViewer.Size = New Size(Me.ClientRectangle.Right, Me.ClientRectangle.Bottom)

      _seriesManager = output

      Dim index As Integer
      Dim image As RasterImage
      Dim count As Integer = output.Stacks(0).Items.Count
      Dim codecsInformation As CodecsImageInfo

      Dim AxialFrame As MedicalViewerMPRCell = New MedicalViewerMPRCell()
      Dim SagittalFrame As MedicalViewerMPRCell = New MedicalViewerMPRCell()
      Dim CoronalFrame As MedicalViewerMPRCell = New MedicalViewerMPRCell()

      codecsInformation = _codecs.GetInformation(CStr(output.Stacks(0).Items(0).Data), True)

      Dim width As Integer = codecsInformation.Width
      Dim height As Integer = codecsInformation.Height
      Dim depth As Integer = 256

      ' Create a 3D control.
      Dim _medical3DControl As Medical3DControl = New Medical3DControl()

      _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.VolumeType = Medical3DVolumeType.MPR
      _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects.Add(New Medical3DObject())

      ' Create a 3D object.


      index = 0
      Do While index < depth
         image = _codecs.Load(CStr(output.Stacks(0).Items(index).Data), 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGrayOrRomm, 1, 1)
         _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects(0).MemoryEfficientSetFrame(image, index, True)
         index += 1

      Dim spearator As String = ("\")
      Dim test As String() = output.Stacks(0).Items(0).ImageOrientation.Split(spearator.ToCharArray())
      Dim orientation As Single() = New Single(5) {}
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To 5
         orientation(i) = CSng(Convert.ToDouble(test(i)))
      Next i

      _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects(0).MemoryEfficientEnd(orientation, output.Stacks(0).PixelSpacing)

      ' Create axial frame
      AxialFrame.ShowMPRCrossHair = True
      AxialFrame.DistinguishMPRByColor = True
      AxialFrame.SetTag(6, MedicalViewerTagAlignment.TopLeft, MedicalViewerTagType.Frame)
      AxialFrame.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Stack, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Wheel, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active)

      ' Create Sagittal frame
      SagittalFrame.ShowMPRCrossHair = True
      SagittalFrame.DistinguishMPRByColor = True
      SagittalFrame.SetTag(6, MedicalViewerTagAlignment.TopLeft, MedicalViewerTagType.Frame)
      SagittalFrame.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Stack, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Wheel, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active)

      ' Create coronal frame
      CoronalFrame.ShowMPRCrossHair = True
      CoronalFrame.DistinguishMPRByColor = True
      CoronalFrame.SetTag(6, MedicalViewerTagAlignment.TopLeft, MedicalViewerTagType.Frame)
      CoronalFrame.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Stack, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Wheel, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active)

      ' attach the MPR cells to the 3D control
      _medical3DControl.AxialFrame = AxialFrame
      _medical3DControl.SagittalFrame = SagittalFrame
      _medical3DControl.CoronalFrame = CoronalFrame

      ' with this option, you will not be able to select more than one cell at the same time. (selecting multiple cells are done with the pressing and holding the Ctrl and clicking on cell)
      _medicalViewer.AllowMultipleSelection = False


      _medicalViewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
   End Sub

   ' This event handles communication between the the 3D and the MedicalViewer.
   Private Sub cell_Data3DRequested(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MedicalViewerData3DRequestedEventArgs)
      e.Succeed = Medical3DEngine.Provide3DInformation(e)
   End Sub

   Private Sub cell_FramesRequested(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MedicalViewerRequestedFramesInformationEventArgs)
      Dim cell As MedicalViewerMultiCell = CType(sender, MedicalViewerMultiCell)
      Dim _codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim image As RasterImage
      Dim fileName As String

      If e.RequestedFramesIndexes.Length > 0 Then
         fileName = CStr(_seriesManager.Stacks(0).Items(e.RequestedFramesIndexes(0)).Data)
         image = _codecs.Load(fileName)
      End If

      i = 1
      Do While i < e.RequestedFramesIndexes.Length
         fileName = CStr(_seriesManager.Stacks(0).Items(e.RequestedFramesIndexes(i)).Data)
         i += 1

      cell.SetRequestedImage(image, e.RequestedFramesIndexes, MedicalViewerSetImageOptions.Insert)
   End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property Viewer() As MedicalViewer
         Return _medicalViewer
      End Get
   End Property
End Class

Private Function GetMedicalViewerMPRForm() As MedicalViewerMPRForm
   Dim form As MedicalViewerSeriesManagerFrom = New MedicalViewerSeriesManagerFrom()
   Dim output As MedicalViewerSeriesManager = form.LoadJamesHead()

   Return New MedicalViewerMPRForm(output)
End Function

' This examples changes the default window level value by decrease the width by 100. Then resets the images based on the new value.

Public Sub MedicalViewerMPRExample()
   Dim myForm As MedicalViewerMPRForm = GetMedicalViewerMPRForm()
   Dim medicalViewer As MedicalViewer = myForm.Viewer

End Sub
C#Copy Code
class MedicalViewerMPRForm : Form
   private MedicalViewer _medicalViewer;
   private MedicalViewerSeriesManager _seriesManager;
   void MedicalViewerMPRForm_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      _medicalViewer.Size = new Size(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.ClientRectangle.Bottom);

   public MedicalViewerMPRForm(MedicalViewerSeriesManager output)
      RasterCodecs _codecs = new RasterCodecs();

      this.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(MedicalViewerMPRForm_SizeChanged);

      // Create the medical viewer and adjust the size and the location.
      _medicalViewer = new MedicalViewer(2, 2);
      _medicalViewer.Location = new Point(0, 0);
      _medicalViewer.Size = new Size(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.ClientRectangle.Bottom);

      _seriesManager = output;

      int index;
      RasterImage image;
      int count = output.Stacks[0].Items.Count;
      CodecsImageInfo codecsInformation;

      MedicalViewerMPRCell AxialFrame = new MedicalViewerMPRCell();
      MedicalViewerMPRCell SagittalFrame = new MedicalViewerMPRCell();
      MedicalViewerMPRCell CoronalFrame = new MedicalViewerMPRCell();

      codecsInformation = _codecs.GetInformation((string)output.Stacks[0].Items[0].Data, true);

      int width = codecsInformation.Width;
      int height = codecsInformation.Height;
      int depth = 256;

      // Create a 3D control.
      Medical3DControl _medical3DControl = new Medical3DControl();

      _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.VolumeType = Medical3DVolumeType.MPR;
      _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects.Add(new Medical3DObject());

      // Create a 3D object.


      for (index = 0; index < depth; index++)
         image = _codecs.Load((string)output.Stacks[0].Items[index].Data, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGrayOrRomm, 1, 1);
         _medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects[0].MemoryEfficientSetFrame(image, index, true);

      string spearator = ("\\");
      string[] test = output.Stacks[0].Items[0].ImageOrientation.Split(spearator.ToCharArray());
      float[] orientation = new float[6];
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         orientation[i] = (float)Convert.ToDouble(test[i]);


      // Create axial frame
      AxialFrame.ShowMPRCrossHair = true;
      AxialFrame.DistinguishMPRByColor = true;
      AxialFrame.SetTag(6, MedicalViewerTagAlignment.TopLeft, MedicalViewerTagType.Frame);
      AxialFrame.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Stack, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Wheel, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active);

      // Create Sagittal frame
      SagittalFrame.ShowMPRCrossHair = true;
      SagittalFrame.DistinguishMPRByColor = true;
      SagittalFrame.SetTag(6, MedicalViewerTagAlignment.TopLeft, MedicalViewerTagType.Frame);
      SagittalFrame.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Stack, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Wheel, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active);

      // Create coronal frame
      CoronalFrame.ShowMPRCrossHair = true;
      CoronalFrame.DistinguishMPRByColor = true;
      CoronalFrame.SetTag(6, MedicalViewerTagAlignment.TopLeft, MedicalViewerTagType.Frame);
      CoronalFrame.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Stack, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Wheel, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active);

      // attach the MPR cells to the 3D control
      _medical3DControl.AxialFrame    = AxialFrame;
      _medical3DControl.SagittalFrame = SagittalFrame;
      _medical3DControl.CoronalFrame  = CoronalFrame;

      // with this option, you will not be able to select more than one cell at the same time. (selecting multiple cells are done with the pressing and holding the Ctrl and clicking on cell)
      _medicalViewer.AllowMultipleSelection = false;


      _medicalViewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

   // This event handles communication between the the 3D and the MedicalViewer.
   void cell_Data3DRequested(object sender, MedicalViewerData3DRequestedEventArgs e)
      e.Succeed = Medical3DEngine.Provide3DInformation(e);

   void cell_FramesRequested(object sender, MedicalViewerRequestedFramesInformationEventArgs e)
      MedicalViewerMultiCell cell = (MedicalViewerMultiCell)(sender);
      RasterCodecs _codecs = new RasterCodecs();
      int i;
      RasterImage image;
      string fileName;

      if (e.RequestedFramesIndexes.Length > 0)
         fileName = (string)(_seriesManager.Stacks[0].Items[e.RequestedFramesIndexes[0]].Data);
         image = _codecs.Load(fileName);

      for (i = 1; i < e.RequestedFramesIndexes.Length; i++)
         fileName = (string)(_seriesManager.Stacks[0].Items[e.RequestedFramesIndexes[i]].Data);

      cell.SetRequestedImage(image, e.RequestedFramesIndexes, MedicalViewerSetImageOptions.Insert);

   public MedicalViewer Viewer
      get { return _medicalViewer; }

MedicalViewerMPRForm GetMedicalViewerMPRForm()
   MedicalViewerSeriesManagerFrom form = new MedicalViewerSeriesManagerFrom();
   MedicalViewerSeriesManager output = form.LoadJamesHead();

   return new MedicalViewerMPRForm(output);

// This examples changes the default window level value by decrease the width by 100. Then resets the images based on the new value.

public void MedicalViewerMPRExample()
   MedicalViewerMPRForm myForm = GetMedicalViewerMPRForm();
   MedicalViewer medicalViewer = myForm.Viewer;



For more information, refer to Image Viewer Cells.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7

See Also

Leadtools.MedicalViewer requires a Medical Imaging license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features