
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTIVW_API L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_DispContainerSetDefaultWindowLevelValues(hCellWnd, nSubCellIndex, nWidth, nCenter, uFlags)

HWND hCellWnd;

/* handle to the cell window */

L_INT nSubCellIndex;

/* index into the image list attached to the cell */

L_INT nWidth;

/* window level width */

L_INT nCenter;

/* window level center */

L_UINT uFlags;

/* reserved for future use */

Stores the window level default values.




A handle to the window that represents the cell on which the function's effect will be applied.


A zero-based index into the image list attached to the cell specified in nCellIndex. This image will have its default window level values stored. Pass -1 to apply this effect on all sub-cells. Pass -2 to apply this effect on the selected sub-cell.


Value that represents the window level width that will be set as a default value.


Value that represents the window level center that will be set as a default value.


Reserved for future use. Pass 0.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function will not set the current window level values, meaning that the user will not see a change in the image. To set the current window level values call L_DispContainerSetActionProperties. To get the current window level values call L_DispContainerGetActionProperties.

This function will not set the current window level values; it will set the default ones. The default can be set using either this function, or can be internally calculated when the images are first set in the control using either L_DispContainerSetCellBitmapList, or through L_DispContainerSetRequestedImage when the low memory usage feature is enabled (for more information see the L_DispContainerEnableCellLowMemoryUsage function).

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Windows 95 / 98 / Me; Windows 2000 / XP; Windows CE.

See Also


L_DispContainerResetWindowLevelValues, L_DispContainerGetDefaultWindowLevelValues, L_DispContainerGetActionProperties, L_DispContainerGetActionProperties, L_DispContainerCreate, L_DispContainerDestroy, L_DispContainerEnableCellLowMemoryUsage, L_DispContainerInsertCell, L_DispContainerSetRequestedImage, L_DispContainerSetLowMemoryUsageCallBack, L_DispContainerSetCellBitmapList


Applying Actions


Image Viewer Functions: Applying Actions


For an example, refer to L_DispContainerGetDefaultWindowLevelValues.