LEADTOOLS C DLL Integration Functions

The LEADTOOLS ActiveX is sold either as a stand-alone product or as an addition to the LEADTOOLS C DLL for C programmers. The C DLL not only provides the ActiveX, but also lets you access structures and functions in the LEADTOOLS DLLs.

L_OCXADD.BAS, which is distributed with the LEADTOOLS C DLL, contains the LEAD structure definitions and function prototypes for the LEAD DLLs in Visual Basic format. In addition to the normal DLL functions, the LEADTOOLS ActiveX Add-On provides the following functions for reading and writing the LEAD control's bitmap:

32-bit Declare Function L_GetControlBitmap Lib "LTOCXU.OCX" (Ctrl As Object, hBitmap As LEADBitmapHandle) As Long

This function copies the image in the LEAD control to a LEAD BitmapHandle. The LEAD BitmapHandle can be released after this copy if it is not required. The function returns TRUE or ERROR CODE.


32-bit Declare Function L_SetControlBitmap Lib "LTOCXU.OCX" (Ctrl As Object, hBitmap As LEADBitmapHandle) As Long

This function sets the LEAD control with the image referenced by the LEAD BitmapHandle. The LEAD BitmapHandle can be freed after this copy if it is not required. The function returns TRUE or ERROR CODE.