Limitations with Microsoft Access

The LEADTOOLS ActiveX supports database access using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Because of problems with the 16-bit version of ODBC, the LEADTOOLS ActiveX does not provide database access with version 2.0 of Access. (Access 95 does not have this limitation.)

You can easily convert the Access 95 examples to Access 97. When reading the Access 95 tutorial, you will find some minor differences in Access 97.

LEADTOOLS provides over 2000 defined constant identifiers for effects. Several of these have been omitted from L_ACCESS.BAS because the file size exceeds that allowed by Visual Basic. The entire list of defined effects identifiers are included in L_ACCEFX.BAS. You can replace effects identifiers in L_ACCESS.BAS with effects identifiers in L_ACCEFX.BAS.

In addition, several of the defined constant identifiers for effects exceed the identifier length allowed by Access 2.0. Consequently, some of the defined effects identifiers have been commented out. You can pass any of the values, but if you wish to use a defined effects identifier, you must do one of the following:

1. Make sure it is not commented out in the .BAS file.

2. Replace an unused effects identifier in L_ACCESS.BAS with one you wish to use from L_ACCEFX.BAS.

3. Shorten the length of an effects identifier that has been commented out.

You cannot use buttons and hot spots as annotations with Access 2.0. (Access 95 does not have this limitation.) The following methods and events are affected:

AnnClicked event

AnnCreate event

AnnDestroy event

AnnDrawn event

AnnGetTag method

AnnGetType method

AnnSetTag method

Access 2.0 cannot use the three-dimensional text properties, because of a reserved-word failure when setting the TextWidth and TextHeight properties.

Under Access 2.0 and Access 95, LEADTOOLS was unable to load PCD files during testing. Therefore, the following properties are not supported under Access:

InfoPCDRes property

PCDRes property

In addition, Access does not appear to support the following:

GetPicture method

SetPicture method

MouseIcon property