AnnLock method (Main Control)
Visual Basic
Visual C++ 4.0 example
Visual J++ example
Syntax short AnnLock (OLE_HANDLE hObject, BSTR pszKey, BOOL fSelected);
Overview: Refer to Implementing Annotation Security
(Document/Medical only) Locks annotations with the specified key. Annotations cannot be modified through the automated mode unless they are unlocked with the same key either using AnnUnlock method, or through the automated mode unlock menu item. The key is case sensitive! If the AnnShowLockedIcon property is TRUE, the locked objects are drawn with a padlock icon on top of them. If a redact object is locked, AnnUnrealize method will fail on that object.
There is one property associated with this method. The AnnShowLockedIcon property determines how locked objects are drawn.
See Also
Elements: AnnUnlock method, AnnUnrealize method, AnnShowLockedIcon property, AnnLocked event, AnnRealize method, AnnUnlocked event
Topics: Annotations (Document/Medical only): Annotation Security