AnnLock example for Visual Basic
Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.
This example locks objects of type ANNOBJECT_ELLIPSE using the key "IkeStarnes".
Dim nType As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim bSelected As Boolean
Dim uCount As Integer
Dim aObjects As Variant 'array for the selected object handles
'lock only the ellipse objects that are selected
bSelected = False
uCount = Lead1.AnnGetSelectCount 'get number of selected objects
aObjects = Lead1.AnnGetSelectList 'get the handles of the selected objects
For a = 1 To uCount
nType = Lead1.AnnGetType(aObjects(a - 1))
If nType = ANNOBJECT_ELLIPSE Then 'Is the object an ellipse?
bSelected = True
Lead1.AnnLock aObjects(a - 1), "IkeStarnes", False
End If
If bSelected <> True Then
MsgBox "No Ellipse Objects were selected"
End If