AutoPan property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax BOOL AutoPan;

Overview:  Refer to Using a PanWindow.


Contains a value that indicates whether you can pan an image. Possible values are:




Panning the image is enabled.


Panning the image is disabled.

To pan the image, click the mouse inside the image and then drag the mouse to pan.

This is very similar to using the PanWindow, without the extra window.

See Also

Elements:  PanWin event, PanWinHeight property, PanWinIcon property, PanWinPointer property, PanWinRectColor property, PanWinSysMenu property, PanWinTitle property, PanWinWidth property, PanWinX property, PanWinY property, ShowPanWin method

Topics:  Raster Images: Displaying and Printing