UpdateMagGlassFromHandle method (Main Control)

Visual Basic Example
Visual C++ 4.0 Example

Syntax short UpdateMagGlassFromHandle (OLE_HANDLE hBitmap, BOOL bUpdateBitmap);

Overview:  Refer to Using the Magnifying Glass


Updates the bitmap that the magnifying glass uses to paint the zoomed area.

The idea is to provide a new bitmap that the magnifying glass can use when displaying the zoomed area. The dimensions of the bitmap referenced by hBitmap should be equal to the dimensions of the magnifying glass bitmap.

Note: This method can be used only if the MAGGLASS_MANUAL_UPDATE flag was set in the MagGlassFlags property.

See Also

Elements:  MagGlassFlags property, MagGlassCursor event, StartMagGlass method, StopMagGlass method, ShowMagGlass method, SetMagGlassPos method

Topics:  Raster Images: Displaying Images