Printing an Image

Use the following method to print an image in any device context:

Render method

The fLeft and fTop parameters of the Render method specify the point at which to start rendering the image. If either of these parameters is 0, or if both of these parameters are 0, the RenderCenter property can be used to indicate whether the image should be centered.

If you are using Access, you can use the following methods to get the device context of the printer and to control the print job.

PrintEnd method

PrintStart method

With Access, you can also print images in a report, as described in Including Images in a Report.

If you are using Visual Basic you can use the PrintNewPage method to eject a page and start a new page without ending the print job.

LEADTOOLS also provides the EnableFastRender property, which lets the user enable or disable "Fast Printing". Fast printing allows the OCX to render/print the bitmap to any device without any preprocessing, thus speeding up the printing process. This property may be used in any environment.