Moving the Name of an Annotation

LEADTOOLS provides a number of properties and methods for positioning the name of an annotation object. First, the name may be restricted. If a name is restricted, then it will fully appear on the bitmap. By restricting the name, the offsets used to position the name are therefore limited, based on the name of the annotation object and the font that is being used.

To get the current restriction status for an annotation object, call the AnnGetNameRestrict method. To change the restriction status of an annotation object, call the AnnSetNameRestrict method.

The annotation name can be positioned by setting its offset values. These values are relative to the upper left corner of the bounding box of the annotation object. To get the current offset values of the name of an annotation object call the AnnGetNameOffsetX method and the AnnGetNameOffsetY method. To change the position of the name of the annotation object, call the AnnSetNameOffsetX method and the AnnSetNameOffsetY method.

The name of an annotation has both a defining rectangle and a bounding rectangle. The defining rectangle is specified by the following read only properties:

AnnNameRectHeight property

AnnNameRectLeft property

AnnNameRectTop property

AnnNameRectWidth property

The bounding rectangle is specified by the following read only properties:

AnnNameBoundingRectHeight property

AnnNameBoundingRectLeft property

AnnNameBoundingRectTop property

AnnNameBoundingRectWidth property

For an explanation of the difference between the defining rectangle and the bounding rectangle, refer to any of the AnnNameBoundingRectXXX properties.