Changes from Version 5.2 to Version 6.2

Version 6.2 of the LEADTOOLS ActiveX has changed from version 5.2 as follows:

The following is a list of the new methods, properties, and events.

For Region Processing

RgnMarkingMode property

RgnChange event

RgnFrameType property

Floater property

FloaterVisible property

IsPtInFloater method

SetFloaterDstRect method

SetFloaterDstClipRect method

FloaterDstHeight property

FloaterDstLeft property

FloaterDstTop property

FloaterDstWidth property

FloaterDstClipHeight property

FloaterDstClipLeft property

FloaterDstClipTop property

FloaterDstClipWidth property

FloaterHeight property

FloaterWidth property

GetFloaterHandle method

GetRgnHandle method

DeleteRgnHandle method

FreeRgn method

SetRgnHandle method

HasRgn property

IsPtInRgn method

GetRgnArea method

RgnHeight property

RgnLeft property

RgnTop property

RgnWidth property

SetRgnEllipse method

SetRgnRect method

SetRgnRoundRect method

SetRgnColor method

PolygonSize property

PolygonX property

PolygonY property

SetRgnPolygon method

OffsetRgn method

RepaintRect method

For Annotation Support

AnnUserMode property

AnnTool property

AnnClicked event

AnnSetTag method

AnnGetTag method

AnnGetType method

AnnCreate event

AnnDestroy event

AnnDrawn event

AnnFlip method

AnnReverse method

AnnRotate method

AnnRealize method

AnnLoad method

AnnSave method

AnnCopy method

AnnPasteReady property

AnnPaste method

AnnContainer property

For Loading Raw FAX Data

LoadInfo event

LoadInfoBits property

LoadInfoFlags property

LoadInfoFormat property

LoadInfoHeight property

LoadInfoOffset property

LoadInfoWidth property

LoadInfoXRes property

LoadInfoYRes property

For Loading from a Buffer

StartFeedLoad method

FeedLoad method

StopFeedLoad method

For Image Files in Memory

GetMemoryInfo method

LoadMemory method

SaveMemory method


UnlockSupport method

IsSupportLocked method

IsGrayscale property

PaintROP3 property