dbCan... example for Visual J++

This example displays property values in a message box. You can implement this example by adding a button, with this code, to the project described in ODBC Example for Visual J++.

String strMsg = "dbCanAppend = " + LEAD1.getDbCanAppend() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbCanRestart = " + LEAD1.getDbCanRestart() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbCanScroll = " + LEAD1.getDbCanScroll() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbCanUpdate = " + LEAD1.getDbCanUpdate() + ".";
// dbCurrentRecord is 0 based
strMsg += "\ndbCurrentRecord = " + LEAD1.getDbCurrentRecord() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbEditMode = " + LEAD1.getDbEditMode() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbIsBOF = " + LEAD1.getDbIsBOF() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbIsDeleted = " + LEAD1.getDbIsDeleted() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbIsEOF = " + LEAD1.getDbIsEOF() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbIsOpen = " + LEAD1.getDbIsOpen() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbLoadBits = " + LEAD1.getDbLoadBits() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbLockingMode = " + LEAD1.getDbLockingMode() + ".";
strMsg += "\ndbRecordCount = " + LEAD1.getDbRecordCount() + ".";

MessageBox.show( strMsg, "LEADTOOLS ActiveX Database Properties", MessageBox.OK );