LoadMarkers method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example


LPDISPATCH LoadMarkers (LPCTSTR pszName, long lFlags);


Refer to Working with Markers.


Loads metadata markers (COM and APPn) stored in the specified file.

This collection can then be used to save the metadata information. For Exif files, this metadata collection will contain all the Exif and GPS comments (stored in APP1). It will also contain the audio information stored in APP2.

The markers can also be retrieved by calling the TransformFile method. For each marker encountered by TransformFile method, the TransformMarker event is fired. Within this event the user sets the WriteMarkerAction property to indicate which action to apply on the marker. If the marker is to be written to the output file, the user calls the WriteMarker method.

To save the collection of metadata markers to a file, call the SetMarkers method.

Important Note:

The comments set by the Comment property and then calling the Save method, then the SaveMemory or WriteComment method will override any comments contained in the metadata markers.

See Also


CreateMarkers method, GetMarkers method, SetMarkers method.


Raster Images: Markers