Introduction to LEADTOOLS ActiveX
    Installation and System Files
    Redistributables/Files to Be Included With Your Application
    LEADTOOLS ActiveX Features
       Getting Started
       Loading and Saving Images
          Input and Output
          Loading Filters
          Loading a Bitmap from a File
          Loading a Bitmap from Your Own Buffer
          Loading and Saving Large TIFF Files
          Saving a Bitmap to a File
          Using Memory-Resident Image Files
          Capturing an Image from the Screen
          Drag and Drop
          A Special Note About Loading 12 and 16-Bit Grayscale Images
          Using ICC Profile Methods
          Using ILEADRasterVariant object
          File Comments and Tags
             File Comments
                Implementing TIFF Tags
          Implementing Special File Features
       Displaying an Image
       Processing an Image
       Region Processing
       Annotations (Document/Medical)
    File Formats
    Quick Reference
    Examples and Tutorials
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    Syntax and Key Codes