Introduction to LEADTOOLS ActiveX
    Installation and System Files
    Redistributables/Files to Be Included With Your Application
    LEADTOOLS ActiveX Features
       Getting Started
       Loading and Saving Images
       Displaying an Image
       Processing an Image
          Image Processing
          Examining and Altering Bitmaps
          Changing Brightness and Contrast
          Removing Noise
          Detecting and Enhancing Edges and Lines
          Applying Artistic Effects
          Correcting Colors
          Converting 16-bit Grayscale Values
          Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images
          Drawing Shapes and Text
          Drawing Simple Objects
          Drawing Three-Dimensional Shapes and Text
          Combining Images
          Flags for the Combine Method
          Flags for the CombineExt Method
          List of Spatial Filters
          Managing Color Separations
          Printing an Image
          Using Histograms
          Using the Windows API
          Working with Markers
       Region Processing
       Annotations (Document/Medical)
    File Formats
    Quick Reference
    Examples and Tutorials
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    Syntax and Key Codes