Introduction to LEADTOOLS ActiveX
Installation and System Files
Redistributables/Files to Be Included With Your Application
LEADTOOLS ActiveX Features
File Formats
Quick Reference
Examples and Tutorials
Example Programs
Visual Basic
Visual C++ 4.0 and Later
Visual C++ 4.0 and later Tutorials
Visual C++ 4.0 and later Miscellaneous Examples
Miscellaneous Examples (Visual C++ 4.0)
AboutBox example for C++ 4.0 and later
AddBitmaps example for C++ 5.0 and later
AddBorder example for C++ 4.0 and later
AddFrame example for C++ 4.0 and later
AddNoise example for C++ 4.0 and later
AlphaBlend example for C++ 5.0 and later
Animate Event Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnimationEnable Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnimationPause Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnAutoDialogFontSize example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnAutoDrawEnable Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnAutomation Property Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnAutoMenuEnable Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnAutoResize example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnAutoRotate example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnBoundingRect... Example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnChange Event Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnDataPath example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnDeletePageArray example for C++ 5.0 and later
AnnDeletePage example for C++ 5.0 and later
AnnDeletePageMemory example for C++ 5.0 and later
AnnDestroy example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnEnumerate example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetContainer Example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnGetGrouping example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetHyperlinkParam example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetHyperlinkString example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetHyperlinkType example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetNameOffsetX example for C++ 5.0 and later
AnnGetNameRestrict example for C++ 5.0 and later
AnnGetObjectFromTag example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnGetOptions example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetPoint example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGetProtractorOptions Example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnGetRgnHandle Example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnGetScalarX example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnGetSelectList example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnGroup example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnHitTest example for Visual C++ 4.0
AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnInsert example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnLoadArray example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnLock example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnLocked example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnMenu example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnMouseDown example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnMove example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnNameBoundingRectLeft example for C++ 5.0 and later
AnnNameRectLeft example for C++ 5.0 and later
Annotation Colors Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnRectLeft example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnRotate example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSaveArray example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSaveMemory example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSaveOffset example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSaveTag example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSelect example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSelectRect Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetAutoText Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetGrouping example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetHyperlinkMsg Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetMetafile Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetPolyFillMode Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetROP2 Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetSecondaryBitmap Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetUnit Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetUser Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnSetWnd Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnShowLockedIcon Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnToolChecked Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnToolDestroy Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUndo example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUndoDepth example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUndoEnable example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUngroup Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUnlock Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUnlocked Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AnnUnrealize Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AntiAlias example for C++ 5.0 and later
Appearance Example for C++ 5.0 and later
AutoAnimate Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AutoPan Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AutoSetTool Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AutoSize Example for C++ 4.0 and later
AutoTrim example for C++ 4.0 and later
Average example for C++ 4.0 and later
BackColor example for C++ 4.0 and later
BackErase example for C++ 4.0 and later
BalanceColors example for C++ 5.0 and later
BinaryFilter example for C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapAlpha example for C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapCompression example for C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapDataPath Example for C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapDataPathClosed Example for Visual C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapDpi Example for Visual C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapToClient example for C++ 4.0 and later
BitmapXres and BitmapYres example for C++ 4.0 and later
BitonalScaling example for C++ 4.0 and later
BooleanItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
BooleanValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
BorderRemove example for C++ 4.0 and later
BorderStyle example for C++ 4.0 and later
ButtonColumns example for C++ 4.0 and later
ButtonMenuTool example for C++ 4.0 and later
ButtonRows example for C++ 4.0 and later
ButtonVisible example for C++ 4.0 and later
Capture example for C++ 4.0 and later
Change example for C++ 4.0 and later
CenterImage example for C++ 4.0 and later
ClientToBitmap example for C++ 4.0 and later
ColorRes example for C++ 4.0 and later
ColorResList Example for C++ 4.0 and later
Combine example for C++ 4.0 and later
CombineBitmapWarp example for C++ 4.0 and later
CombineExt example for C++ 4.0 and later
Comment example for C++ 4.0 and later
ContourFilter example for C++ 4.0 and later
Contrast example for C++ 4.0 and later
ConvertToColoredGray example for C++ 5.0 and later
Create example for C++ 4.0 and later
CreateBitmap, Size, and Combine example for C++ 4.0 and later
CreateMarkers example for C++ 4.0 and later
CreateUserBitmap example for C++ 4.0 and later
CurveToBezier example for C++ 4.0 and later
dbCan... example for C++ 4.0 and later
DblClick example for C++ 4.0 and later
DDB example for C++ 4.0 and later
DeleteBitmapListItems example for C++ 4.0 and later
DeletePage example for C++ 4.0 and later
Deskew example for C++ 4.0 and later
Despeckle example for C++ 4.0 and later
DIB example for C++ 4.0 and later
DispatchValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
DoubleItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
DoubleValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
DocCleanBitmap example for C++ 4.0 and later
DocCleanSuccess example for C++ 4.0 and later
DoubleBuffer example for C++ 4.0 and later
DrawShape example for C++ 4.0 and later
DrawText example for C++ 4.0 and later
Dst... example for C++ 4.0 and later
EdgeDetector example for C++ 5.0 and later
Emboss example for C++ 4.0 and later
EnableFastRender (Main Control) example for C++ 4.0 and later
EnableMethodErrors example for C++ 4.0 and later
EnablePaint example for C++ 4.0 and later
EnableZoomInRect example for C++ 4.0 and later
Exif example for C++ 4.0 and later
FastRotate example for C++ 4.0 and later
FeatherAlphaBlend example for C++ 5.0 and later
FeedLoad example for C++ 4.0 and later
FileOpen Example for C++ 4.0 and later
FilePage Event Example for C++ 4.0 and later
FilePageLoaded example for C++ 4.0 and later
Fill example for C++ 4.0 and later
Flip example for C++ 4.0 and later
FloatItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
FloatValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
FloaterDstClip... example for C++ 4.0 and later
Font example for C++ 4.0 and later
Frame... example for C++ 4.0 and later
GammaCorrect example for C++ 4.0 and later
GaussianFilter example for C++ 5.0 and later
GetArrayInfo example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetBitmapClipSegments example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetBitmapDC example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetColorCount Example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetDIB example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetFileInfo example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetFloaterHandle example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetFunctionalLookupTable example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetHistogram example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetHistogramGray example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetMarkers example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetMinMaxBits example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetMinMaxVal example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetRgnHandle example for C++ 4.0 and later
GetUserLookupTable example for C++ 4.0 and later
Grayscale example for C++ 4.0 and later
GrayscaleExt example for C++ 5.0 and later
Halftone example for C++ 4.0 and later
HasMagGlass example for C++ 4.0 and later
HistoContrast example for C++ 4.0 and later
HistoEqualize example for C++ 4.0 and later
HistogramTableSize example for C++ 4.0 and later
HScrollInfo example for C++ 4.0 and later
HSV_HfromRGB example for C++ 4.0 and later
HTableL example for C++ 4.0 and later
Hue example for C++ 4.0 and later
hDocCleanRgn example for C++ 4.0 and later
hWnd example for C++ 4.0 and later
IgnoreFilters example for C++ 4.0 and later
InfoHasAlpha example for C++ 4.0 and later
InfoLayers example for C++ 4.0 and later
InfoViewPerspective example for C++ 4.0 and later
InsertBitmapListItem Example for C++ 4.0 and later
Intensity example for C++ 4.0 and later
IntensityDetect example for C++ 4.0 and later
Invert example for C++ 4.0 and later
InvertedText example for C++ 4.0 and later
IsSigned example for C++ 4.0 and later
J2KCompressionControl example for C++ 4.0 and later
J2KCompressionRatio example for C++ 4.0 and later
J2KROIControl Example for C++ 4.0 and later
J2KSetDefaults example for C++ 4.0 and later
J2KTargetFileSize example for C++ 4.0 and later
KeyPress example for C++ 4.0 and later
LevelLowBit example for C++ 4.0 and later
LevelLUT example for C++ 4.0 and later
LevelLUTLength example for C++ 4.0 and later
LineProfile example for C++ 5.0 and later
LineRemove example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadArray example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadCompressed example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadICCProfile example for Visual C++
LoadIFD example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadInfo example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadMarkers example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadMemory example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadResize example for C++ 4.0 and later
LoadUseViewPerspective example for C++ 4.0 and later
LongItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
LongValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
MagGlassPaintContrast example for C++ 4.0 and later
MaxFilter example for C++ 4.0 and later
Median example for C++ 4.0 and later
MinFilter example for C++ 4.0 and later
Mosaic example for C++ 4.0 and later
MotionBlur example for C++ 5.0 and later
MouseWheel (Main Control) example for C++ 4.0 and later
ODBC Example for C++ 4.0 and later
Oilify example for C++ 4.0 and later
OLEDropAllowed example for C++ 4.0 and later
OLEDropFile example for C++ 4.0 and later
OLEStartDrag (Main Control) example for C++ 4.0 and later
Paint event, Enabled property, and hWnd property example for Visual C++ 4.0
PaintContrast example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintDither example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintEffect example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintGamma example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintIntensity example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintMaxPasses example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintPalette example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintROP3 example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintScaling Example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintSizeMode Example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintSizeUseDPI example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintWhileLoad example for C++ 4.0 and later
PaintZoomFactor Example for C++ 4.0 and later
PatternStyle example for C++ 4.0 and later
PCDRes example for C++ 4.0 and later
PDFSaveLowMemory example for C++ 4.0 and later
PDFSaveUseDPI example for C++ 4.0 and later
PDFXResolution Example for C++ 4.0 and later
PicturizeBitmapList example for C++ 5.0 and later
Picturize example for C++ 4.0 and later
PicturizeSingle example for C++ 5.0 and later
Pixel example for C++ 4.0 and later
PixelData example for C++ 4.0 and later
Posterize example for C++ 4.0 and later
PreferredLoadFormat Example for C++ 4.0 and later
PreLoadFilters Example for C++ 4.0 and later
PrinterScaleHeight Example for C++ 4.0 and later
ProgressivePasses Example for C++ 4.0 and later
RawLoad example for C++ 4.0 and later
RawSave example for C++ 4.0 and later
ReadLoadResolutions Example for C++ 4.0 and later
ReadyState Example for C++ 4.0 and later
RefBitmapList example for C++ 4.0 and later
RemapHue example for C++ 4.0 and later
RemapTableSize example for C++ 4.0 and later
RemoveRedeye example for C++ 5.0 and later
RenderCenter example for C++ 5.0 and later
Resize event example for C++ 4.0 and later
ResizeRgn example for C++ 5.0 and later
RGBfromHSV example for C++ 4.0 and later
RgnChange example for C++ 4.0 and later
RgnFrameColor example for C++ 4.0 and later
Rotate example for C++ 4.0 and later
Saturation example for C++ 4.0 and later
Save example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveArray example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveBuffer example for C++ 5.0 and later
SaveIFD example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveInterlaced example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveLayers example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveLSB example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveMemory example for C++ 4.0 and later
SavePage example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveResolutionCount example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveTileWidth example for C++ 4.0 and later
SaveWithStamp example for C++ 4.0 and later
Scroll event example for C++ 4.0 and later
SetRgn... example for C++ 4.0 and later
SetRgnColorHSVRange example for Visual C++ 4.0
SetRgnColorRGBRange example for C++ 4.0 and later
SetRgnMagicWand example for C++ 4.0 and later
SetSrcClipRect example for C++ 4.0 and later
SetSrcRect example for C++ 4.0 and later
SetTag example for C++ 4.0 and later
Sharpen example for C++ 4.0 and later
Shear example for C++ 4.0 and later
ShortItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
ShortValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
ShowMagGlass example for C++ 4.0 and later
Solarize example for C++ 4.0 and later
SpatialFilter example for C++ 4.0 and later
Src... example for C++ 4.0 and later
STable example for C++ 4.0 and later
StringItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
StringValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
StopMagGlass example for C++ 4.0 and later
StretchIntensity example for C++ 4.0 and later
SwapColors example for C++ 5.0 and later
TextWordWrap example for C++ 4.0 and later
TransitionEffect example for C++ 4.0 and later
TransparentColor example for C++ 4.0 and later
Trim example for C++ 4.0 and later
Underlay example for C++ 4.0 and later
UnsharpMask example for C++ 5.0 and later
UserPalette and BitmapPalette example for C++ 4.0 and later
Version... example for C++ 4.0 and later
VTable example for C++ 4.0 and later
vType example for C++ 5 and later
WindowLevel example for C++ 4.0 and later
WindowLevelBitmap example for C++ 4.0 and later
WindowLevelFillLUT example for C++ 4.0 and later
WriteComment example for C++ 4.0 and later
WriteMarkerAction example for C++ 4.0 and later
ZoomIn example for C++ 4.0 and later
ZoomInDone example for C++ 4.0 and later
Visual J++
Properties, Methods, and Events
Syntax and Key Codes