Available in LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Vector, Document, and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
Introduction to Toolbars
The LEADTOOLS Toolbar C DLL provides a means of adding either predefined or custom designed toolbars to an application. Adding toolbars to applications provides a quick and convenient way of drawing or performing other functions.
A toolbar consists of one or more tools and each tool has one or more buttons associated with it. General information about the toolbar can be accessed through an LTOOLBARINFO structure. This includes information about the number of buttons present in the toolbar, the size of the bitmaps used for the buttons and an array of tools in the toolbar.
Information about each tool in a toolbar can be accessed through an LTOOLBARTOOL structure. This structure includes information about the number of buttons associated with the tool and an array of buttons associated with the tool.
LBUTTONINFO structures contain information about each button associated with each tool in a toolbar. This information includes a button identifier, the state of the button, the bitmap displayed for the button and tool tip text that is displayed when the user places the cursor over the button.
For more information about toolbars, refer to:
Initializing and Freeing Toolbars
Getting and Setting Toolbar Information
Getting and Setting Toolbar Characteristics
For more information about buttons on the toolbar, refer to:
Getting and Setting Toolbar Button Information
See Also: