SaveTemplate method (ILEADRasterTwain)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ 5.0 Example



short SaveTemplate (BSTR strTemplateFile)


Refer to Handling Template Files.


Enumerates all supported capabilities, and the current values, for the currently selected TWAIN source and saves them to the specified template file.

For each capability enumerated by this method, a SaveTemplateEvent event or a SaveTemplateEvent2 event fires.

The SaveTemplateEvent2 event will fire only if the EnableSaveTemplateEvent property has been set to TRUE.

The SaveTemplateEvent event is used by the MFC users. It takes as a parameter a pointer to an ICapability interface that references the capability values to be saved.

The SaveTemplateEvent2 event is used by the Visual Basic users. It takes as a parameter a pointer to an ILEADTwainCapability interface that references the capability values to be saved.

For more information on template files, refer to Handling Template Files.

See Also


ManName property, ProdFamily property, Version property, AppName property, SourceCount property, SourceName property, CapsCount property, Capability property, InitSession method, EndSession method, SelectSource method, SetCapability method, GetCapability method, QueryCapability method, Acquire method, ShowTemplateDlg method, LoadTemplate method, FileTransferName property, MemBufSize property, SaveTemplateEvent event, SaveTemplateEvent2 event


TWAIN Functionality: Template Functions