Changes from Version 13 to Version 14

Version 14 of the LEADTOOLS Twain COM Object has been updated to work better with scripting languages. Methods that used to take pointer parameters now work with the new ILEADRasterVariant object.

The rest of this topic lists the new properties, methods, and events in version 14.

BitsPerPixel Property (ILTImageResolution)

BottomMargin property (ILEADRasterTwain)

Brightness property

BufferMemoryCompression property

CancelAcquire method

CapabilityLong property (ICapability2 Interface)

ColorScheme property

Contrast property

DataTransfer property

DuplexScanning property

EnableAppendToFile property

EnableAutoFeed property

EnableDumpMemoryBuffersToFile property

EnableSaveMultipageFile property

EnableShowUserInterfaceOnly property

FillOrder property

GetProperties method

HalfTone property

HighLight property

HorizontalResolution property

ImageEffects property

ImageResolution property

InitSessionFlags property

LeftMargin property (ILEADRasterTwain)

MaxPagesNumber property

MemoryBufferSize property

PixelFlavor property

RightMargin property (ILEADRasterTwain)

RotationAngle property

ScanFileFormat property

SetProperties method

Shadow property

TopMargin property (ILEADRasterTwain)

TransferMode Property (ILTDataTransfer)

Unit property

VerticalResolution property

XScaling property

YScaling property