
EnumCurrentIndex property (ICapabilityEnumeration2 Interface)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ 5.0 Example



long EnumCurrentIndex


Refer to How to Work with the Containers – Visual Basic.


Get or sets the index of the current value in the enumeration item list contained in the ICapabilityEnumeration2 interface, where the ICapabilityEnumeration2 interface represents a container of type TW_ENUMERATION.

When getting capability information, this property contains the index of the current value in the enumeration item list in the TW_ENUMERATION container associated with the capability. When setting a capability, this property should contain the index of the current value in the enumeration item list to be set in the TW_ENUMERATION container.

This index can be passed to the EnumCapValue property to get the actual value in the enumeration item list.

See Also


EnumItemType property, EnumCapValue property, EnumNumOfItems property, EnumDefaultIndex property.


TWAIN Functionality: Capability Functions