LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

SkipObject Property

Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to skip loading or saving an annotation object.

Property Value

booleantrue to skip loading or saving an annotation object, otherwise; false. The default value is false.

If this object is triggered with the AnnDeserializeOptions.DeserializeObject event, then you can set the value of SkipObject to true. This will instruct AnnCodecs to skip this object and continue to the next. This is useful if in scenarios when you do not want to load certain object types or objects with certain properties.

If this object is trigged with the AnnDeserializeOptions.DeserializeObjectError event, then you can set the value of this property to true to instruct AnnCodecs to ignore the error, skip loading this object and continue to the next.

If this object is trigged with the AnnSerializeOptions.SerializeObject event, then you can set the value of this property to true to skip loading the object in AnnObject with type in TypeName and continue to the next.


For an example, refer to AnnSerializeOptions and AnnDeserializeOptions.

See Also


AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs Object
AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs Members



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