LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

ImageViewerSizeMode Enumeration

Determines how the control displays the image and the automatic adjustments of the display rectangles.
Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerSizeMode = function() { };
Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerSizeMode.prototype = {
none = 0, actualSize = 1, fit = 2, fitAlways = 3, fitWidth = 4, fitHeight = 5, stretch = 6, };
!MISSING Scrap '_RTJavaScript_Enumeration_SYNTAX'!
0noneNo special sizing
1actualSizeUse the image actual size
2fitFit the image into the viewing area while maintaining the aspect ratio. If the image size is smaller than the viewing area, no resizing is done.
3fitAlwaysAlways fit the image into the viewing area while maintaining the aspect ratio even if the image size is smaller than the viewing area (in which case, the image will be scaled up)
4fitWidthFit the image width to be the size of the width of the viewing area while maintaining the aspect ratio
5fitHeightFit the image height to be the size of the height of the viewing area while maintaining the aspect ratio
6stretchFit the image to fill the viewing area. Aspect ratio might not be maintained

By setting the ImageViewer.SizeMode property to one of the ImageViewerSizeMode enumeration values, the control will determine how to fit the image in the viewing area.

When using the None and ActualSize with the ImageViewer control, vertical or horizontal scrollbars may become visible and functional if the image size becomes greater than the viewing area (depending on the value of ImageViewer.ScrollMode). The image size is determined by the image physical pixel width and height and the values of the ImageViewer.UseDpi and ImageViewer.ScaleFactor properties. The ImageViewer.AspectRatioCorrection will also play a role in determining the image size of its value is other than 1. The viewing area size is determined from the current pixel size of the control client area.

When the using ImageViewer.SizeMode, the value of ImageViewer.ScaleFactor will not be reset back to 1 automatically. You can either set the value of ImageViewer.ScaleFactor to 1 if this is the required behavior or use the ImageViewer.Zoom method that will have the size mode and scale factor values to setup the current view to any desired values using one method.

For an example, see ImageViewer.Zoom.
See Also


Leadtools.Controls Namespace



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