LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

RasterKnownColor Enumeration

Specifies the known system colors. .NET support Silverlight support WinRT support
Public Enum RasterKnownColor 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterKnownColor
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor = function() { };
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor.prototype = {
LeadtoolsMemberMarker(replace me) };
public enum class RasterKnownColor : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
ActiveBorderA system-defined color
ActiveCaptionA system-defined color
AliceBlueA system-defined color
AntiqueWhiteA system-defined color
AppWorkspaceA system-defined color
AquaA system-defined color
AquamarineA system-defined color
AzureA system-defined color
BackgroundA system-defined color
BeigeA system-defined color
BisqueA system-defined color
BlackA system-defined color
BlanchedAlmondA system-defined color
BlueA system-defined color
BlueVioletA system-defined color
BrownA system-defined color
BurlyWoodA system-defined color
ButtonFaceA system-defined color
ButtonHighlightA system-defined color
ButtonShadowA system-defined color
ButtonTextA system-defined color
CadetBlueA system-defined color
CaptionTextA system-defined color
ChartreuseA system-defined color
ChocolateA system-defined color
CoralA system-defined color
CornflowerBlueA system-defined color
CornsilkA system-defined color
CrimsonA system-defined color
CyanA system-defined color
DarkBlueA system-defined color
DarkCyanA system-defined color
DarkGoldenrodA system-defined color
DarkGrayA system-defined color
DarkGreenA system-defined color
DarkKhakiA system-defined color
DarkMagentaA system-defined color
DarkOliveGreenA system-defined color
DarkOrangeA system-defined color
DarkOrchidA system-defined color
DarkRedA system-defined color
DarkSalmonA system-defined color
DarkSeaGreenA system-defined color
DarkSlateBlueA system-defined color
DarkSlateGrayA system-defined color
DarkTurquoiseA system-defined color
DarkVioletA system-defined color
DeepPinkA system-defined color
DeepSkyBlueA system-defined color
DimGrayA system-defined color
DodgerBlueA system-defined color
FirebrickA system-defined color
FloralWhiteA system-defined color
ForestGreenA system-defined color
FuchsiaA system-defined color
GainsboroA system-defined color
GhostWhiteA system-defined color
GoldA system-defined color
GoldenrodA system-defined color
GrayA system-defined color
GrayTextA system-defined color
GreenA system-defined color
GreenYellowA system-defined color
HighlightA system-defined color
HighlightTextA system-defined color
HoneydewA system-defined color
HotPinkA system-defined color
InactiveBorderA system-defined color
InactiveCaptionA system-defined color
InactiveCaptionTextA system-defined color
IndianRedA system-defined color
IndigoA system-defined color
InfoBackgroundA system-defined color
InfoTextA system-defined color
IvoryA system-defined color
KhakiA system-defined color
LavenderA system-defined color
LavenderBlushA system-defined color
LawnGreenA system-defined color
LemonChiffonA system-defined color
LightBlueA system-defined color
LightCoralA system-defined color
LightCyanA system-defined color
LightGoldenrodYellowA system-defined color
LightGrayA system-defined color
LightGreenA system-defined color
LightPinkA system-defined color
LightSalmonA system-defined color
LightSeaGreenA system-defined color
LightSkyBlueA system-defined color
LightSlateGrayA system-defined color
LightSteelBlueA system-defined color
LightYellowA system-defined color
LimeA system-defined color
LimeGreenA system-defined color
LinenA system-defined color
MagentaA system-defined color
MaroonA system-defined color
MediumAquamarineA system-defined color
MediumBlueA system-defined color
MediumOrchidA system-defined color
MediumPurpleA system-defined color
MediumSeaGreenA system-defined color
MediumSlateBlueA system-defined color
MediumSpringGreenA system-defined color
MediumTurquoiseA system-defined color
MediumVioletRedA system-defined color
MenuA system-defined color
MenuTextA system-defined color
MidnightBlueA system-defined color
MintCreamA system-defined color
MistyRoseA system-defined color
MoccasinA system-defined color
NavajoWhiteA system-defined color
NavyA system-defined color
OldLaceA system-defined color
OliveA system-defined color
OliveDrabA system-defined color
OrangeA system-defined color
OrangeRedA system-defined color
OrchidA system-defined color
PaleGoldenrodA system-defined color
PaleGreenA system-defined color
PaleTurquoiseA system-defined color
PaleVioletRedA system-defined color
PapayaWhipA system-defined color
PeachPuffA system-defined color
PeruA system-defined color
PinkA system-defined color
PlumA system-defined color
PowderBlueA system-defined color
PurpleA system-defined color
RedA system-defined color
RosyBrownA system-defined color
RoyalBlueA system-defined color
SaddleBrownA system-defined color
SalmonA system-defined color
SandyBrownA system-defined color
ScrollbarA system-defined color
SeaGreenA system-defined color
SeaShellA system-defined color
SiennaA system-defined color
SilverA system-defined color
SkyBlueA system-defined color
SlateBlueA system-defined color
SlateGrayA system-defined color
SnowA system-defined color
SpringGreenA system-defined color
SteelBlueA system-defined color
TanA system-defined color
TealA system-defined color
ThistleA system-defined color
ThreeDDarkShadowA system-defined color
ThreeDFaceA system-defined color
ThreeDHighlightA system-defined color
ThreeDLightShadowA system-defined color
TomatoA system-defined color
TransparentA system-defined color
TurquoiseA system-defined color
UnknownColorA system-defined color
VioletA system-defined color
WheatA system-defined color
WhiteA system-defined color
WhiteSmokeA system-defined color
WindowA system-defined color
WindowFrameA system-defined color
WindowTextA system-defined color
YellowA system-defined color
YellowGreenA system-defined color

You can use the RasterKnownColor enumeration to construct RasterColor objects from colors known by name.

For an example, refer to RasterColor.FromKnownColor.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


Leadtools Namespace



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