LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnObjectCollection Class


Represents an ordered collection of AnnObject. .NET support Silverlight support
Object Model
AnnObjectCollection ClassAnnObject Class
Dim instance As AnnObjectCollection
function Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObjectCollection()
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Public Sub AnnObjectCollectionExample(ByVal container As AnnContainer)
   AddHandler container.ObjectAdded, AddressOf container_ObjectAdded
   AddHandler container.ObjectRemoved, AddressOf container_ObjectRemoved
   ' add a few objects
   Dim lineObj As AnnLineObject = New AnnLineObject()
   lineObj.Start = New Point(100, 100)
   lineObj.End = New Point(200, 200)
   lineObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue
   lineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   lineObj.Header = "Object 1"

   Dim rectObj As AnnRectangleObject = New AnnRectangleObject()
   rectObj.Rect = New Rect(200, 200, 100, 100)
   rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue
   rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   rectObj.Fill = Colors.Transparent
   rectObj.Header = "Object 2"

   Dim ellipseObj As AnnEllipseObject = New AnnEllipseObject()
   ellipseObj.Rect = New Rect(200, 200, 150, 100)
   ellipseObj.Stroke = Colors.Yellow
   ellipseObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   ellipseObj.Fill = Colors.Green
   ellipseObj.Header = "Object 3"


   ' insert new Object
   Dim newLineObj As AnnLineObject = DirectCast(lineObj.Clone(), AnnLineObject)
   newLineObj.Start = New Point(110, 110)
   newLineObj.End = New Point(210, 210)
   newLineObj.Stroke = Colors.Red
   newLineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   newLineObj.Header = "New Object"

   container.Children.Insert(1, newLineObj)

   ' check if collection contains this new item 

   ' remove this new item 
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not container.Children.Contains(newLineObj)))

   ' remove the last item 
   container.Children.RemoveAt(container.Children.Count - 1)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count = 2)

   ' send the first item to the end of the collection 
   container.Children.SendToBack(lineObj, True)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) = container.Children.Count - 1)

   ' bring it back to the front 
   container.Children.BringToFront(lineObj, True)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) = 0)

   ' clean the collection 
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count = 0)
End Sub

Private Sub container_ObjectAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" & e.Object.Header & ")) Has been added to the collection")
End Sub

Private Sub container_ObjectRemoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" & e.Object.Header & ")) Has been removed from the collection")
End Sub
public void AnnObjectCollectionExample(AnnContainer container)
   container.ObjectAdded += new EventHandler<AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs>(container_ObjectAdded);
   container.ObjectRemoved += new EventHandler<AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs>(container_ObjectRemoved);
   // add a few objects
   AnnLineObject lineObj = new AnnLineObject();
   lineObj.Start = new Point(100, 100);
   lineObj.End = new Point(200, 200);
   lineObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue;
   lineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   lineObj.Header = "Object 1";

   AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject();
   rectObj.Rect = new Rect(200, 200, 100, 100);
   rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue;
   rectObj.Fill = Colors.Transparent;
   rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   rectObj.Header = "Object 2";

   AnnEllipseObject ellipseObj = new AnnEllipseObject();
   ellipseObj.Rect = new Rect(200, 200, 150, 100);
   ellipseObj.Stroke = Colors.Yellow;
   ellipseObj.Fill = Colors.Green;
   ellipseObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   ellipseObj.Header = "Object 3";


   // insert new Object
   AnnLineObject newLineObj = lineObj.Clone() as AnnLineObject;
   newLineObj.Start = new Point(110, 110);
   newLineObj.End = new Point(210, 210);
   newLineObj.Stroke = Colors.Red;
   newLineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   newLineObj.Header = "New Object";

   container.Children.Insert(1, newLineObj);

   // check if collection contains this new item 

   // remove this new item 

   // remove the last item 
   container.Children.RemoveAt(container.Children.Count - 1);
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count == 2);

   // send the first item to the end of the collection 
   container.Children.SendToBack(lineObj, true);
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) == container.Children.Count - 1);

   // bring it back to the front 
   container.Children.BringToFront(lineObj, true);
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) == 0);

   // clean the collection 
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count == 0);

private void container_ObjectAdded(object sender, AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" + e.Object.Header + ")) Has been added to the collection");

private void container_ObjectRemoved(System.Object sender, AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" + e.Object.Header + ")) Has been removed from the collection");
public void AnnObjectCollectionExample(AnnContainer container)
   container.ObjectAdded += new EventHandler<AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs>(container_ObjectAdded);
   container.ObjectRemoved += new EventHandler<AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs>(container_ObjectRemoved);
   // add a few objects
   AnnLineObject lineObj = new AnnLineObject();
   lineObj.Start = new Point(100, 100);
   lineObj.End = new Point(200, 200);
   lineObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue;
   lineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   lineObj.Header = "Object 1";

   AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject();
   rectObj.Rect = new Rect(200, 200, 100, 100);
   rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue;
   rectObj.Fill = Colors.Transparent;
   rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   rectObj.Header = "Object 2";

   AnnEllipseObject ellipseObj = new AnnEllipseObject();
   ellipseObj.Rect = new Rect(200, 200, 150, 100);
   ellipseObj.Stroke = Colors.Yellow;
   ellipseObj.Fill = Colors.Green;
   ellipseObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   ellipseObj.Header = "Object 3";


   // insert new Object
   AnnLineObject newLineObj = lineObj.Clone() as AnnLineObject;
   newLineObj.Start = new Point(110, 110);
   newLineObj.End = new Point(210, 210);
   newLineObj.Stroke = Colors.Red;
   newLineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
   newLineObj.Header = "New Object";

   container.Children.Insert(1, newLineObj);

   // check if collection contains this new item 

   // remove this new item 

   // remove the last item 
   container.Children.RemoveAt(container.Children.Count - 1);
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count == 2);

   // send the first item to the end of the collection 
   container.Children.SendToBack(lineObj, true);
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) == container.Children.Count - 1);

   // bring it back to the front 
   container.Children.BringToFront(lineObj, true);
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) == 0);

   // clean the collection 
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count == 0);

private void container_ObjectAdded(object sender, AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" + e.Object.Header + ")) Has been added to the collection");

private void container_ObjectRemoved(System.Object sender, AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" + e.Object.Header + ")) Has been removed from the collection");
Public Sub AnnObjectCollectionExample(ByVal container As AnnContainer)
   AddHandler container.ObjectAdded, AddressOf container_ObjectAdded
   AddHandler container.ObjectRemoved, AddressOf container_ObjectRemoved
   ' add a few objects
   Dim lineObj As AnnLineObject = New AnnLineObject()
   lineObj.Start = New Point(100, 100)
   lineObj.End = New Point(200, 200)
   lineObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue
   lineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   lineObj.Header = "Object 1"

   Dim rectObj As AnnRectangleObject = New AnnRectangleObject()
   rectObj.Rect = New Rect(200, 200, 100, 100)
   rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue
   rectObj.Fill = Colors.Transparent
   rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   rectObj.Header = "Object 2"

   Dim ellipseObj As AnnEllipseObject = New AnnEllipseObject()
   ellipseObj.Rect = New Rect(200, 200, 150, 100)
   ellipseObj.Stroke = Colors.Yellow
   ellipseObj.Fill = Colors.Green
   ellipseObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   ellipseObj.Header = "Object 3"


   ' insert new Object
   Dim newLineObj As AnnLineObject = TryCast(lineObj.Clone(), AnnLineObject)
   newLineObj.Start = New Point(110, 110)
   newLineObj.End = New Point(210, 210)
   newLineObj.Stroke = Colors.Red
   newLineObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0
   newLineObj.Header = "New Object"

   container.Children.Insert(1, newLineObj)

   ' check if collection contains this new item 

   ' remove this new item 
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not container.Children.Contains(newLineObj)))

   ' remove the last item 
   container.Children.RemoveAt(container.Children.Count - 1)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count = 2)

   ' send the first item to the end of the collection 
   container.Children.SendToBack(lineObj, True)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) = container.Children.Count - 1)

   ' bring it back to the front 
   container.Children.BringToFront(lineObj, True)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.IndexOf(lineObj) = 0)

   ' clean the collection 
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(container.Children.Count = 0)
End Sub

Private Sub container_ObjectAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" & e.Object.Header & ")) Has been added to the collection")
End Sub

Private Sub container_ObjectRemoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs)
   Console.WriteLine("The Object ((" & e.Object.Header & ")) Has been removed from the collection")
End Sub

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


AnnObjectCollection Members
Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Namespace



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