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#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LICCProfile::Fill(pData, uDataSize);

L_INT LICCProfile::Fill(pszFileName);

L_UCHAR * pData;

/* data pointer */

L_UINT uDataSize;

/* size of the data buffer */

L_TCHAR * pszFileName;

/* name of the file to load */

Fills the class object©s ICCPROFILEEXT member structure fields with the appropriate ICC data either from a loaded ICC Profile or a directly from a specific file.




Pointer to a data buffer that contains the ICC profile as one piece.


Value that indicates the size of the data buffer that contains the ICC profile.


Character strings that containis the name of the ICC file from which to get the ICC data.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


When loading the ICC profile from a file using the LICCProfile::Load function, the ICC profile is stored into the pData pointer in the class object©s ICCPROFILEEXT member structure. Calling LICCProfile::Fill(pData, uDataSize) extracts the information from that ICC profile pointer, and fills the class object©s ICCPROFILEEXT member structure with the appropriate data for each field.

To fill a class object©s ICCPROFILEEXT member structure directly from an ICC profile file, call LICCProfile::Fill(L_TCHAR * pszFileName).

To save an ICC Profile data to an ICC Profile file call LICCProfile::GenerateFile.

Required DLLs and Libraries



For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LICCProfile::Initialize, LICCProfile::Free, LICCProfile::Save, LICCProfile::InitHeader, LICCProfile::SetCMMType, LICCProfile::SetDeviceClass, LICCProfile::SetColorSpace, LICCProfile::SetConnectionSpace, LICCProfile::SetPrimaryPlatform, LICCProfile::SetFlags, LICCProfile::SetDevManufacturer, LICCProfile::SetDevModel, LICCProfile::SetDeviceAttributes, LICCProfile::SetRenderingIntent, LICCProfile::SetCreator, LICCProfile::SetDateTime, LICCProfile::Convert2bFixed2bNumberToDouble, LICCProfile::ConvertDoubleTo2bFixed2bNumber, LICCProfile::SetTagData, LICCProfile::GetTagData, LICCProfile::CreateTagData, LICCProfile::DeleteTag, LICCProfile::GenerateFile, LICCProfile::GeneratePointer, LICCProfile::GetTagTypeSig, LICCProfile::FreeTagType, Class Members


Using ICC Profile Functions


ICC Profile Functions: Loading an ICC Profile


For an example for L_INT LICCProfile::Fill(pData, uDataSize), refer to LICCProfile::Initialize.

L_INT LICCProfile::Fill(pszFileName);
L_VOID Test()
   L_INT nRet = 0 ; 
   /* This example initializes an ICC Profile, and fills its fields with ICC data directly read from an ICC file*/
   LICCProfile IccProfile; 
   // Initialize the ICC profile
   nRet = IccProfile.Initialize ();
   // Fill it with ICC data directly from an ICC file
   nRet = IccProfile.Fill(TEXT("file.icc"));
   // Free the ICC Profile
   IccProfile.Free ();

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