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#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LICCProfile::Initialize();

Initializes this class© object.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


A LICCProfile class object must be initialized before loading an ICC Profile in it. To initialize a LICCProfile class object, call LICCProfile::Initialize.

This fuction must be called before calling any other ICC Profile functions.

This function should be called before calling LICCProfile::InitHeader. If this function is called after LICCProfile::InitHeader, the default values set by LICCProfile::InitHeader will be lost.

When the LICCProfile class object is no longer needed, the user must free the memory allocated by calling the LICCProfile::Free function.

Required DLLs and Libraries



For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LICCProfile::Load, LICCProfile::Free, LICCProfile::Save, LICCProfile::Fill, LICCProfile::InitHeader, LICCProfile::SetCMMType, LICCProfile::SetDeviceClass, LICCProfile::SetColorSpace, LICCProfile::SetConnectionSpace, LICCProfile::SetPrimaryPlatform, LICCProfile::SetFlags, LICCProfile::SetDevManufacturer, LICCProfile::SetDevModel, LICCProfile::SetDeviceAttributes, LICCProfile::SetRenderingIntent, LICCProfile::SetCreator, LICCProfile::SetDateTime, LICCProfile::Convert2bFixed2bNumberToDouble, LICCProfile::ConvertDoubleTo2bFixed2bNumber, LICCProfile::SetTagData, LICCProfile::GetTagData, LICCProfile::CreateTagData, LICCProfile::DeleteTag, LICCProfile::GenerateFile, LICCProfile::GeneratePointer, LICCProfile::GetTagTypeSig, LICCProfile::FreeTagType, Class Members


Using ICC Profile Functions


ICC Profile Functions: Creating an ICC Profile


L_VOID Test()
   L_INT nRet = 0 ; 
   /* This example initializes an ICC Profile, and then loads an ICC Profile from an Image, and after that it is freed */
   LICCProfile IccProfile; 
   // Initialize the ICC Profile
   nRet = IccProfile.Initialize ();
   // Load an ICC Profile that is embedded in an image
   nRet = IccProfile.Load (TEXT("C:\\icc\\img1.jpg"), NULL); 
   // Fill the ICC Profile with the ICC data loaded from the image
   nRet = IccProfile.Fill (IccProfile.GetProfile ()->pData, IccProfile.GetProfile()->uDataSize); 
   // Save the ICC Profile into another image
   nRet = IccProfile.Save (TEXT("C:\\icc\\img2.jpg"), NULL); 
   // Free the ICC Profile
   IccProfile.Free ();

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