
AnnLabel Class

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The AnnLabel class is used to display text elements of various LEADTOOLS annotation objects.
Object Model
public class AnnLabel 
Public Class AnnLabel 
public sealed class AnnLabel 
@interface LTAnnLabel : NSObject<NSCoding,NSCopying> 
public class AnnLabel
function Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel()

Each LEADTOOLS annotation object has one or more AnnLabels associated with it, depending on the type of annotation object. The manner in which the AnnLabels are used is determined by the type of the annotation object.

Control the display of these label using each AnnObjects AnnObject.Labels property. You can access each label by its name.

For example, to display the name of an AnnObject, set the AnnObject.Labels["AnnObjectName"].IsVisible property to true.

To hide the length of an AnnPolyRulerObject, set the AnnObject.Labels["RulerLength"]. IsVisible property to false.


Target Platforms

See Also


AnnLabel Members
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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