LEADTOOLS Barcode (Leadtools.Barcode assembly)

BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus Enumeration

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Determines the barcode read operation status
Public Enum BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus
public enum BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus : System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
enum LTBarcodeReadSymbologyStatus
public enum BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus
Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus = function() { };
Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus.prototype = {
Continue = 0, Skip = 1, Abort = 2, };
public enum class BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  

Continue reading the next barcode(s) (if any). This is the default behavior.


Skip reading the current barcode symbologies and move to the next (if any). Setting BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs.Status to Skip will have an effect only if the BarcodeEngine is about to read the barcodes. i.e., when the value of BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs.Operation is BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PreRead.

When the operation is BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PostRead and the reader has finished reading the barcodes, then setting the status to Skip will have no effect.


Abort the read operation. The BarcodeReader will stop trying reading barcodes and the read operation will end. This can be used when the BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs.Operation is BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PreRead or BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PostRead.


The BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus enumeration is used as the data member for the BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs.Status property. It can be used to determine the next action performed by the BarcodeReader.

Refer to BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs.Status for more information.


For an example, refer to BarcodeReader.ReadSymbology.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Barcode Namespace



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Leadtools.Barcode requires a Barcode Module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features