LEADTOOLS Barcode (Leadtools.Barcode assembly)

GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions Class

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Contains the extra options to use when reading GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes.
Object Model
public class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions : BarcodeReadOptions, System.ICloneable  
Public Class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions 
   Inherits BarcodeReadOptions
   Implements System.ICloneable 
Dim instance As GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions
public sealed class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions : System.ICloneable  
@interface LTGS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions : LTBarcodeReadOptions
public class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions extends BarcodeReadOptions
function Leadtools.Barcode.GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions()
public ref class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions : public BarcodeReadOptions, System.ICloneable  

The GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions class is used to control the options when reading GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes using LEADTOOLS. Set the options in two ways:

The BarcodeReader class contains default options for each barcode symbology (or group of common symbologies). These options can be retrieved using the BarcodeReader.GetDefaultOptions method passing one of the following:

Change the members of the returned GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions by casting it from BarcodeReadOptions to GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions.

It is also possible to create an instance of the GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions class and use it directly in the BarcodeReader.ReadBarcode and BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes methods that accept a single or an array of options as an input parameter.

The base BarcodeReadOptions contains the following members and features:

Member Description

Controls the barcode foreground color (color of the bars or symbols) to use when reading a barcode from a colored image.


Controls the barcode background color (color of the spaces) to use when reading a barcode from a colored image.

BarcodeReadOptions.Load and BarcodeReadOptions.Save

Can be used to save or load the options to/from an XML file or stream.


This class overrides the base class method to return an array containing the following symbologies: BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked and BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked

In addition to these features and members, GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions contains these GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes specific features:

Member Description

The direction to use when searching for barcodes (horizontal, vertical or both)


Fast barcode reading (recommended). It is suitable for most barcode qualities: either good or poor


The number of scanned lines per column to skip when reading a barcode


The error check digit is returned as part of the barcode data

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.Forms
Imports Leadtools.Barcode
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing

Public Sub GS1DatabarStackedBarcode_Example()
   Dim imageFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "MyGS1DatabarStackedBarcodes.tif")

   Dim engine As New BarcodeEngine()

   ' Create the image to write the barcodes to
   Dim resolution As Integer = 300
   Using image As RasterImage = RasterImage.Create(CType(8.5 * resolution, Integer), CType(11.0 * resolution, Integer), 1, resolution, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White))
      ' Write a few GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes
      WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked, "1234567890123", New LogicalRectangle(10, 100, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel))
      WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked, "(01)00012345678905(10)ABC123", New LogicalRectangle(10, 900, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel))

      ' Save the image
      Using codecs As New RasterCodecs()
         codecs.Save(image, imageFileName, RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1)
      End Using
   End Using

   ' Now read the barcodes again
   Using codecs As New RasterCodecs()
      Using image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(imageFileName)
         ' Read the GS1 Databar Stacked barcode
         ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked)

         ' Read the GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked barcode
         ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked)
      End Using
   End Using
End Sub

Private Sub WriteBarcode(ByVal writer As BarcodeWriter, ByVal image As RasterImage, ByVal symbology As BarcodeSymbology, ByVal value As String, ByVal bounds As LogicalRectangle)
   ' Create the barcode data
   Dim barcode As New BarcodeData(symbology, value)
   barcode.Bounds = bounds

   ' Set the write options
   Dim options As New GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions()
   options.UseXModule = False
   options.XModule = 30
   options.SetLinkageBit = False
   options.UseStackedOmniDirectionalFormat = False
   options.ExpandedStackedRowsCount = 2

   ' Write it
   Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} barcode with data: {1}", symbology, value)
   writer.WriteBarcode(image, barcode, options)
End Sub

Private Sub ReadBarcodes(ByVal reader As BarcodeReader, ByVal image As RasterImage, ByVal symbology As BarcodeSymbology)
   ' Setup read options
   Dim options As New GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions()
   options.SearchDirection = BarcodeSearchDirection.Horizontal
   options.EnableFastMode = True
   options.Granularity = 9
   options.ReturnCheckDigit = BarcodeReturnCheckDigit.Default

   Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} barcodes", symbology)
   Dim barcode As BarcodeData = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, symbology, options)
   If Not IsNothing(barcode) Then
      Console.WriteLine(" At {0}, data: {1}", barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value)
      Console.WriteLine(" Not found")
   End If
End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Forms;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;

public void GS1DatabarStackedBarcode_Example()
   string imageFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "MyGS1DatabarStackedBarcodes.tif");

   BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();

   // Create the image to write the barcodes to
   int resolution = 300;
   using(RasterImage image = RasterImage.Create((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White)))
      // Write a few GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes
      WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked, "1234567890123", new LogicalRectangle(10, 100, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel));
      WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked, "(01)00012345678905(10)ABC123", new LogicalRectangle(10, 900, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel));

      // Save the image
      using(RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
         codecs.Save(image, imageFileName, RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1);

   // Now read the barcodes again
   using(RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
      using(RasterImage image = codecs.Load(imageFileName))
         // Read the GS1 Databar Stacked barcode
         ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked);

         // Read the GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked barcode
         ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked);

private void WriteBarcode(BarcodeWriter writer, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology, string value, LogicalRectangle bounds)
   // Create the barcode data
   BarcodeData barcode = new BarcodeData(symbology, value);
   barcode.Bounds = bounds;

   // Set the write options
   GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions options = new GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions();
   options.UseXModule = false;
   options.XModule = 30;
   options.SetLinkageBit = false;
   options.UseStackedOmniDirectionalFormat = false;
   options.ExpandedStackedRowsCount = 2;

   // Write it
   Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} barcode with data: {1}", symbology, value);
   writer.WriteBarcode(image, barcode, options);

private void ReadBarcodes(BarcodeReader reader, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology)
   // Setup read options
   GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions options = new GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions();
   options.SearchDirection = BarcodeSearchDirection.Horizontal;
   options.EnableFastMode = true;
   options.Granularity = 9;
   options.ReturnCheckDigit = BarcodeReturnCheckDigit.Default;

   Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} barcodes", symbology);
   BarcodeData barcode = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, symbology, options);
   if(barcode != null)
      Console.WriteLine(" At {0}, data: {1}", barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value);
      Console.WriteLine(" Not found");

static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;

public async Task GS1DatabarStackedBarcode_Example()
   string imageFileName = @"MyGS1DatabarStackedBarcodes.tif";
   BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();

   // Create the image to write the barcodes to
   int resolution = 300;
   using(RasterImage image = RasterImage.Create((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution, RasterColorHelper.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White)))
      // Write a few GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes
      WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked, "1234567890123", LeadRectHelper.Create(10, 100, 400, 400));
      WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked, "(01)00012345678905(10)ABC123", LeadRectHelper.Create(10, 900, 400, 400));

      // Save the image
      using(RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
         StorageFile saveFile = await Tools.AppLocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(imageFileName);
         await codecs.SaveAsync(image, LeadStreamFactory.Create(saveFile), RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1);

   // Now read the barcodes again
   using(RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
      StorageFile loadFile = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(imageFileName);
      using(RasterImage image = await codecs.LoadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(loadFile)))
         // Read the GS1 Databar Stacked barcode
         ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked);

         // Read the GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked barcode
         ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked);

private void WriteBarcode(BarcodeWriter writer, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology, string value, LeadRect bounds)
   // Create the barcode data
   BarcodeData barcode = new BarcodeData(symbology, value);
   barcode.Bounds = bounds;

   // Set the write options
   GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions options = new GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions();
   options.UseXModule = false;
   options.XModule = 30;
   options.SetLinkageBit = false;
   options.UseStackedOmniDirectionalFormat = false;
   options.ExpandedStackedRowsCount = 2;

   // Write it
   Debug.WriteLine("Writing {0} barcode with data: {1}", symbology, value);
   writer.WriteBarcode(image, barcode, options);

private void ReadBarcodes(BarcodeReader reader, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology)
   // Setup read options
   GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions options = new GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions();
   options.SearchDirection = BarcodeSearchDirection.Horizontal;
   options.EnableFastMode = true;
   options.Granularity = 9;
   options.ReturnCheckDigit = BarcodeReturnCheckDigit.Default;

   Debug.WriteLine("Reading {0} barcodes", symbology);
   BarcodeData barcode = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LeadRectHelper.Empty, symbology, options);
   if(barcode != null)
      Debug.WriteLine(" At {0}, data: {1}", barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value);
      Debug.WriteLine(" Not found");
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Forms;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;
using Leadtools.Examples;

public void GS1DatabarStackedBarcode_Example(RasterImage image, Stream outStream)
   BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();
   // Create the image to write the barcodes to
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

   // Write a few GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes
   WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked, "1234567890123", new LogicalRectangle(10, 100, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel));
   WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked, "(01)00012345678905(10)ABC123", new LogicalRectangle(10, 900, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel));

   // Save the image
   codecs.Save(image, outStream, RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1);

   // Now read the barcodes again
   // Read the GS1 Databar Stacked barcode
   ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked);

   // Read the GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked barcode
   ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked);

private void WriteBarcode(BarcodeWriter writer, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology, string value, LogicalRectangle bounds)
   // Create the barcode data
   BarcodeData barcode = new BarcodeData(symbology, value);
   barcode.Bounds = bounds;

   // Set the write options
   GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions options = new GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions();
   options.UseXModule = false;
   options.XModule = 30;
   options.SetLinkageBit = false;
   options.UseStackedOmniDirectionalFormat = false;
   options.ExpandedStackedRowsCount = 2;

   // Write it
   Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} barcode with data: {1}", symbology, value);
   writer.WriteBarcode(image, barcode, options);

private void ReadBarcodes(BarcodeReader reader, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology)
   // Setup read options
   GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions options = new GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions();
   options.SearchDirection = BarcodeSearchDirection.Horizontal;
   options.EnableFastMode = true;
   options.Granularity = 9;
   options.ReturnCheckDigit = BarcodeReturnCheckDigit.Default;

   Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} barcodes", symbology);
   BarcodeData barcode = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, symbology, options);
   if(barcode != null)
      Console.WriteLine(" At {0}, data: {1}", barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value);
      Console.WriteLine(" Not found");
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.Forms
Imports Leadtools.Barcode
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing

Public Sub GS1DatabarStackedBarcode_Example(ByVal image As RasterImage, ByVal outStream As Stream)
  Dim engine As BarcodeEngine = New BarcodeEngine()
  ' Create the image to write the barcodes to
  Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

  ' Write a few GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes
  WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked, "1234567890123", New LogicalRectangle(10, 100, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel))
  WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked, "(01)00012345678905(10)ABC123", New LogicalRectangle(10, 900, 400, 400, LogicalUnit.Pixel))

  ' Save the image
  codecs.Save(image, outStream, RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1)

  ' Now read the barcodes again
  ' Read the GS1 Databar Stacked barcode
  ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarStacked)

  ' Read the GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked barcode
  ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.GS1DatabarExpandedStacked)
End Sub

Private Sub WriteBarcode(ByVal writer As BarcodeWriter, ByVal image As RasterImage, ByVal symbology As BarcodeSymbology, ByVal value As String, ByVal bounds As LogicalRectangle)
  ' Create the barcode data
  Dim barcode As BarcodeData = New BarcodeData(symbology, value)
  barcode.Bounds = bounds

  ' Set the write options
  Dim options As GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions = New GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions()
  options.UseXModule = False
  options.XModule = 30
  options.SetLinkageBit = False
  options.UseStackedOmniDirectionalFormat = False
  options.ExpandedStackedRowsCount = 2

  ' Write it
  Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} barcode with data: {1}", symbology, value)
  writer.WriteBarcode(image, barcode, options)
End Sub

Private Sub ReadBarcodes(ByVal reader As BarcodeReader, ByVal image As RasterImage, ByVal symbology As BarcodeSymbology)
  ' Setup read options
  Dim options As GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions = New GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions()
  options.SearchDirection = BarcodeSearchDirection.Horizontal
  options.EnableFastMode = True
  options.Granularity = 9
  options.ReturnCheckDigit = BarcodeReturnCheckDigit.Default

  Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} barcodes", symbology)
  Dim barcode As BarcodeData = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, symbology, options)
  If Not barcode Is Nothing Then
    Console.WriteLine(" At {0}, data: {1}", barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value)
    Console.WriteLine(" Not found")
  End If
End Sub

Target Platforms

See Also


GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions Members
Leadtools.Barcode Namespace
BarcodeData Class
BarcodeReader Class
BarcodeSymbology Enumeration
BarcodeEngine Class
Programming with LEADTOOLS Barcode
Supported Barcode Symbologies
Unlocking Barcode Support
Reading Barcodes Tutorial
GS1 DataBar / RSS-14 Barcodes in LEADTOOLS



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Leadtools.Barcode requires a Barcode Module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features