
ImageViewerInteractiveMode Class Members

Show in webframe
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageViewerInteractiveMode.

Public Fields
ImageViewerInteractiveModeListenerOccurs when the ImageViewerInteractiveMode mode starts and completed working.  
Public Properties
ImageViewerControlGets the image viewer for this mode.  
InteractiveServiceGets the interactive service for this mode.  
IsStartedGets a value that indicates if this mode has started.  
IsWorkingGets a value that indicates whether this mode is working.  
MouseButtonGets or sets the mouse button associated with this mode.  
NameGets the name of this mode.  
WorkOnImageRectangleGets or sets a value that indicates whether to restrict the work area to the image rectangle.  
Public Methods
StartStarts the interactive mode.  
StopStops the interactive mode.  
Protected Methods
CanStartWorkIndicates whether the mode can start work.  
OnWorkCompletedIndicates that this mode has completed working and raises the WorkCompleted event.  
OnWorkStartedIndicates that this mode has started working and raises the WorkStarted event.  
Public Events
WorkCompletedOccurs when the ImageViewerInteractiveMode mode completes the work.  
WorkStartedOccurs when the ImageViewerInteractiveMode mode starts working.  
See Also


ImageViewerInteractiveMode Class
Leadtools.Controls Namespace



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