
ExecutionStatusInfo Enumeration

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Specifies additional information about media creation execution status.
public enum ExecutionStatusInfo : System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
Public Enum ExecutionStatusInfo 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As ExecutionStatusInfo


public enum class ExecutionStatusInfo : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000001NORMALThe execution of the media creation happended as expected.
0x00000002CHECK_MCD_OPThe media creation request could not be accomplished sincethe device is not ready at this time and needs to be checked by an operator (e.g., covers/doors opened or device jammed).
0x00000003CHECK_MCD_SRVThe media creation request could not be accomplished since the device is not ready at this time and needs to be checked by a vendor service engineer (e.g., internal component failure).
0x00000004DIR_PROC_ERRThe DICOMDIR building process failed for some unspecified reason (e.g., mandatory attributes or values missing).
0x00000005DUPL_REF_INSTDuplicated instances in the Referenced SOP Sequence (0008,1199).
0x00000006INST_AP_CONFLICTOne or more of the elements in the Referenced SOP Sequence (0008,1199) are in conflict (e.g., the SOP Class specified is not consistent with the requested Application Profile).
0x00000007INST_OVERSIZEDA single instance size exceeds the actual media capacity.
0x00000008INSUFFIC_MEMORYThere is not enough memory available to complete this request.
0x00000009MCD_BUSYMedia creation device is not available at this time, but should become ready without user intervention (e.g the media creation device's buffer capacity is full). The SCU should retry later.
0x0000000AMCD_FAILUREMedia creation device fails to operate. This may depend on permanent or transient hardware failures (e.g robot arm broken, DVD writer failed) or because it has been disabled by an operator.
0x0000000BNO_INSTANCEOne or more of the SOP Instances in the Referenced SOP Sequence (0008,1199) are not available.
0x0000000CNOT_SUPPORTEDOne or more of the Application Profiles, and/or SOP Classes, referenced in the Referenced SOP Sequence (0008,1199) are not supported by the SCP.
0x0000000DOUT_OF_SUPPLIESNo more supplies (e.g., blank media, labeling ink) are available for the media creation device. Operator intervention is required to replenish the supply.
0x0000000EPROC_FAILUREA general processing failure was encountered.
0x0000000FQUEUEDThis Media Creation Management instance is still in queue.
0x00000010SET_OVERSIZEDThe file-set size exceeds the actual media capacity, and the device is not capable of splitting across multiple pieces of media.
0x00000011UNKNOWNThere is an unspecified problem.
0x0000006FUndefinedNo additional status information is available.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes Namespace



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