LEADTOOLS OCR (Leadtools.Forms.Ocr assembly)

IOcrOmrOptions Interface

Show in webframe

The OMR settings currently used in the engine.
Object Model
public interface IOcrOmrOptions 
Public Interface IOcrOmrOptions 
Dim instance As IOcrOmrOptions
public interface IOcrOmrOptions 
@interface LTOcrOmrOptions : NSObject
public class OcrOmrOptions
function Leadtools.Forms.Ocr.IOcrOmrOptions() 
public interface class IOcrOmrOptions 

OMR stands for Optical Mark Recognition. For more information refer to Using OMR in LEADTOOLS .NET OCR.

You can get the instance of the IOcrOmrOptions interface currently used in the engine with the IOcrSpellCheckManager.OmrOptions property.

With the IOcrOmrOptions interface, you can change the following OMR settings:

After you call IOcrPage.Recognize, all the OMR zones in the page will have the OMR properties updated as follows:

Property Description
OcrZone.OmrState Either OcrOmrZoneState.Filled if the mark is recognized to be filled or checked, or OcrOmrZoneState.Unfilled if the mark is recognized to be unfilled or unchecked.
OcrZone.OmrConfidence A number between 0 and 100 (where 100 is maximum confidence) that specifies the OCR engine confidence in the recognition status in OcrZone.OmrState.

The OMR zones of a page are zones with the following properties:

Property Value
OcrZone.FillMethod Set to OcrZoneFillMethod.Omr
OcrZone.RecognitionModule Set to OcrZoneRecognitionModule.Omr

All LEADTOOLS OCR engines support OMR. However, there is no current support for auto-detecting OMR zones in a page, you have to add the OMR zones manually to the page by setting their boundary (through OcrZone.Bounds, the fill method and recognition module as described above and adding the zone to the page using the IOcrPage.Zones collection before calling IOcrPage.Recognize.

To use OMR in LEADTOOLS, you need a special key to unlock the OMR capabilities. For more information, refer to Unlocking Special LEAD Features.

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.Forms.Ocr
Imports Leadtools.Forms
Imports Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters
Imports Leadtools.WinForms
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core

Private Sub OcrOmrExample()
   ' Create an instance of the engine
   Using ocrEngine As IOcrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, False)
      ' Start the engine using default parameters
      ocrEngine.Startup(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, LEAD_VARS.OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir)
      ' We will use Mixed.tif shipped with LEADTOOLS in the Images folder. This image has 3 OMR check marks
      Dim tifFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Mixed.tif")

      ' Create an OCR document
      Using ocrDocument As IOcrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument()
         ' Add a page to the document
         Dim ocrPage As IOcrPage = ocrDocument.Pages.AddPage(tifFileName, Nothing)

         ' Add the OMR zones. We calculated the 3 OMR zone boundaries for this image perviously
         Dim omrBounds() As LogicalRectangle = _
         { _
            New LogicalRectangle(484, 98, 84, 78, LogicalUnit.Pixel), _
            New LogicalRectangle(494, 184, 70, 54, LogicalUnit.Pixel), _
            New LogicalRectangle(498, 244, 76, 76, LogicalUnit.Pixel) _

         For Each omrBound As LogicalRectangle In omrBounds
            ' Create a new OMR zone and add it to the page
            Dim zone As New OcrZone()
            zone.ZoneType = OcrZoneType.Text
            zone.FillMethod = OcrZoneFillMethod.Omr
            zone.RecognitionModule = OcrZoneRecognitionModule.Omr
            zone.Bounds = omrBound

         ' Show how many zones we have and they properties
         Console.WriteLine("Page has {0} zones:", ocrPage.Zones.Count)
         For i As Integer = 0 To ocrPage.Zones.Count - 1
            Dim zone As OcrZone = ocrPage.Zones(i)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: Type: {1}, Fill method: {2}, Recognition Module: {3}", i + 1, zone.ZoneType, zone.FillMethod, zone.RecognitionModule)

         ' Change the OMR options (Auto detection of frames with highest sensitivity)
         Dim omrOptions As IOcrOmrOptions = ocrEngine.ZoneManager.OmrOptions
         omrOptions.FrameDetectionMethod = OcrOmrFrameDetectionMethod.Auto
         omrOptions.Sensitivity = OcrOmrSensitivity.Highest

         ' Recognize the page

         ' Now show the OMR zone properties
         For i As Integer = 0 To ocrPage.Zones.Count - 1
            Dim zone As OcrZone = ocrPage.Zones(i)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: State: {1}, Confidence: {2}", i + 1, zone.OmrState, zone.OmrConfidence)

         ' Now save the result as PDF using the default characters representation for OMR states (0 for unfilled, 1 for filled)
         Dim pdfFileName1 As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Omr_Results1.pdf")
         Console.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName1)
         ocrDocument.Save(pdfFileName1, DocumentFormat.Pdf, Nothing)

         ' Change the character representation for the OMR states to Y for unfilled, and X for filled
         omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Unfilled, "Y"c)
         omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Filled, "X"c)

         Dim pdfFileName2 As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Omr_Results2.pdf")
         Console.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName2)
         ocrDocument.Save(pdfFileName2, DocumentFormat.Pdf, Nothing)
      End Using

      ' Shutdown the engine
      ' Note: calling Dispose will also automatically shutdown the engine if it has been started
   End Using
End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
Public Const OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir As String = "C:\LEADTOOLS 18\Bin\Common\OcrAdvantageRuntime"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Forms.Ocr;
using Leadtools.Forms;
using Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters;
using Leadtools.WinForms;

private void OcrOmrExample()
   // Create an instance of the engine
   using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, false))
      // Start the engine using default parameters
      ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, LEAD_VARS.OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir);
      // We will use Mixed.tif shipped with LEADTOOLS in the Images folder. This image has 3 OMR check marks
      string tifFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Mixed.tif");

      // Create an OCR document
      using (IOcrDocument ocrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument())
         // Add a page to the document
         IOcrPage ocrPage = ocrDocument.Pages.AddPage(tifFileName, null);

         // Add the OMR zones. We calculated the 3 OMR zone boundaries for this image perviously
         LogicalRectangle[] omrBounds =
            new LogicalRectangle(484, 98, 84, 78, LogicalUnit.Pixel),
            new LogicalRectangle(494, 184, 70, 54, LogicalUnit.Pixel),
            new LogicalRectangle(498, 244, 76, 76, LogicalUnit.Pixel)

         foreach (LogicalRectangle omrBound in omrBounds)
            // Create a new OMR zone and add it to the page
            OcrZone zone = new OcrZone();
            zone.ZoneType = OcrZoneType.Text;
            zone.FillMethod = OcrZoneFillMethod.Omr;
            zone.RecognitionModule = OcrZoneRecognitionModule.Omr;
            zone.Bounds = omrBound;

         // Show how many zones we have and they properties
         Console.WriteLine("Page has {0} zones:", ocrPage.Zones.Count);
         for (int i = 0; i < ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
            OcrZone zone = ocrPage.Zones[i];
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: Type: {1}, Fill method: {2}, Recognition Module: {3}", i + 1, zone.ZoneType, zone.FillMethod, zone.RecognitionModule);

         // Change the OMR options (Auto detection of frames with highest sensitivity)
         IOcrOmrOptions omrOptions = ocrEngine.ZoneManager.OmrOptions;
         omrOptions.FrameDetectionMethod = OcrOmrFrameDetectionMethod.Auto;
         omrOptions.Sensitivity = OcrOmrSensitivity.Highest;

         // Recognize the page

         // Now show the OMR zone properties
         for (int i = 0; i < ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
            OcrZone zone = ocrPage.Zones[i];
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: State: {1}, Confidence: {2}", i + 1, zone.OmrState, zone.OmrConfidence);

         // Now save the result as PDF using the default characters representation for OMR states (0 for unfilled, 1 for filled)
         string pdfFileName1 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Omr_Results1.pdf");
         Console.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName1);
         ocrDocument.Save(pdfFileName1, DocumentFormat.Pdf, null);

         // Change the character representation for the OMR states to Y for unfilled, and X for filled
         omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Unfilled, 'Y');
         omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Filled, 'X');

         string pdfFileName2 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Omr_Results2.pdf");
         Console.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName2);
         ocrDocument.Save(pdfFileName2, DocumentFormat.Pdf, null);

      // Shutdown the engine
      // Note: calling Dispose will also automatically shutdown the engine if it has been started

static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
public const string OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS 18\Bin\Common\OcrAdvantageRuntime";
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Forms.Ocr;
using Leadtools.Forms;
using Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters;

private async void OcrOmrExample()
   // Create an instance of the engine
   IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, false);
   // Start the engine using default parameters
   ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, String.Empty, Tools.OcrEnginePath);

   // We will use Mixed.tif shipped with LEADTOOLS in the Images folder. This image has 3 OMR check marks
   string tifFileName = "Mixed.tif";

   // Create an OCR document
   IOcrDocument ocrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument();

   // Add a page to the document
   IOcrPage ocrPage = null;
   using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
      StorageFile loadFile = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(tifFileName);
      using (RasterImage image = await codecs.LoadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(loadFile)))
         ocrPage = ocrDocument.Pages.AddPage(image, null);

   // Add the OMR zones. We calculated the 3 OMR zone boundaries for this image perviously
   LeadRect[] omrBounds =
      LeadRectHelper.Create(484, 98, 84, 78),
      LeadRectHelper.Create(494, 184, 70, 54),
      LeadRectHelper.Create(498, 244, 76, 76)

   foreach(LeadRect omrBound in omrBounds)
      // Create a new OMR zone and add it to the page
      OcrZone zone = new OcrZone();
      zone.ZoneType = OcrZoneType.Text;
      zone.FillMethod = OcrZoneFillMethod.Omr;
      zone.RecognitionModule = OcrZoneRecognitionModule.Omr;
      zone.Bounds = omrBound;

   // Show how many zones we have and they properties
   Debug.WriteLine("Page has {0} zones:", ocrPage.Zones.Count);
   for(int i = 0; i < ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
      OcrZone zone = ocrPage.Zones[i];
      Debug.WriteLine("{0}: Type: {1}, Fill method: {2}, Recognition Module: {3}", i + 1, zone.ZoneType, zone.FillMethod, zone.RecognitionModule);

   // Change the OMR options (Auto detection of frames with highest sensitivity)
   IOcrOmrOptions omrOptions = ocrEngine.ZoneManager.OmrOptions;
   omrOptions.FrameDetectionMethod = OcrOmrFrameDetectionMethod.Auto;
   omrOptions.Sensitivity = OcrOmrSensitivity.Highest;

   // Recognize the page

   // Now show the OMR zone properties
   for(int i = 0; i < ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
      OcrZone zone = ocrPage.Zones[i];
      Debug.WriteLine("{0}: State: {1}, Confidence: {2}", i + 1, zone.OmrState, zone.OmrConfidence);

   // Now save the result as PDF using the default characters representation for OMR states (0 for unfilled, 1 for filled)
   string pdfFileName1 = "Omr_Results1.pdf";
   Debug.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName1);
   StorageFile saveFile = await Tools.AppLocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(pdfFileName1, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
   await ocrDocument.SaveAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(saveFile), DocumentFormat.Pdf, null);

   // Change the character representation for the OMR states to Y for unfilled, and X for filled
   omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Unfilled, 'Y');
   omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Filled, 'X');

   string pdfFileName2 = "Omr_Results2.pdf";
   Debug.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName2);
   saveFile = await Tools.AppLocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(pdfFileName2, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
   await ocrDocument.SaveAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(saveFile), DocumentFormat.Pdf, null);

   // Shutdown the engine

Target Platforms

See Also


IOcrOmrOptions Members
Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Namespace
OcrEngineManager Class
OcrEngineType Enumeration
IOcrPageCollection Interface
IOcrZoneCollection Interface
IOcrZoneManager Interface
OcrZone Structure
OcrZoneRecognitionModule Enumeration
OcrZoneFillMethod Enumeration
Programming with the LEADTOOLS .NET OCR
Unlocking Special LEAD Features



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IOcrOmrOptions requires an OCR module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features