LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Automation)

LoadPackage Method

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Package to load. This cannot be null.
Group name to use. This can be null.
Loads the automation objects from the specified package.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationManager.loadPackage( 
   pack ,


packIAnnPackagePackage to load. This cannot be null.
groupNamestringGroup name to use. This can be null.

This method will call IAnnPackage.GetAutomationObjects of pack, set the value of AnnAutomationObject.GroupName for each AnnAutomationObject to groupName and add them to the Objects collections. After this method finishes, all the objects found in the package will be usable through automation.

For a complete example of an annotation pack, refer to the Leadtools.Annotations.UserMedicalPack sample library shipped with LEADTOOLS.

See Also


AnnAutomationManager Object
AnnAutomationManager Members



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