LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)

AnnObject Object

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Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnObject.

Public Fields
AudioObjectIdReturns the ID for an "audio" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework.  
ButtonObjectIdSpecifies the ID for a "button" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework.  
ClosedCurveObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnCurveObject that is a closed figure.  
CrossProductObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnCrossProductObject.  
CurveObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnCurveObject.  
EllipseObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnEllipseObject.  
EncryptObjectIdReturns the ID for an "encrypt" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework.  
FreehandHotspotObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnFreehandHotspotObject.  
FreehandObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that is draw freehand style.  
GroupObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnGroupObject.  
HiliteObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnHiliteObject.  
HotspotObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnHotspotObject.  
ImageObjectIdReturns the ID for an AnnImageObject.  
LineObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that has a single line.  
MediaObjectIdReturns the ID for an AnnMediaObject.  
NoneSpecifies the ID for no annotation object.  
NoteObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnNoteObject.  
PointerObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPointerObject.  
PointObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPointObject.  
PolygonObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that is a closed figure.  
PolylineObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject.  
PolyRulerObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPolyRulerObject.  
ProtractorObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnProtractorObject.  
RectangleObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnRectangleObject.  
RedactionObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnRedactionObject.  
RichTextObjectIdReturns the ID for a "rich text" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework.  
RubberStampObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnRubberStampObject.  
RulerObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnPolyRulerObject that has a single ruler.  
SelectObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnSelectionObject.  
StampObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnStampObject.  
TextObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnTextObject.  
TextPointerObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnTextPointerObject.  
TextRollupObjectIdSpecifies the ID for an AnnTextRollupObject.  
UserObjectIdSpecifies the ID for a user defined AnnObject.  
Public Properties
BoundsGets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that indicates the bounds of this AnnObject.  
CanRotateIndicates if this object supports rotation.  
FillGets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject.  
FixedStateOperationsGets or sets the fixed state for this AnnObject.  
FontGets or sets the AnnFont used associated with this AnnObject.  
FriendlyNameGets the friendly name for AnnObject.  
GroupNameFor future use.  
HitTestInteriorIndicates if this AnnObject supports hit testing of its interior.  
HyperlinkGets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject.  
IdGets the ID of this AnnObject.  
IsLockedGets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked.  
IsSelectedGets or sets a value indicating whether the object is selected.  
IsVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible.  
LabelsGets a dictionary of AnnLabel objects used by this AnnObject.  
LayerGets the optional layer that contains this object.  
LockPictureGets or sets the id of the picture used when drawing the locked symbol for locked objects.  
MetadataGets the metadata associated with this object.  
OpacityGets or sets a value indicating the opacity value to use when rendering this object.  
PasswordGets or sets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject.  
PointsGets the collection of Leadtools.LeadPointD objects that define this AnnObject.  
RotateCenterGets or sets the location of the rotate center control point.  
RotateGripperGets or sets the length of the rotate gripper control point.  
StateIdGets or sets the optional state ID of this object to be used with state rendering engines.  
StrokeGets or sets the AnnStroke associated with this AnnObject.  
SupportsFillIndicates if this object supports a fill.  
SupportsFontIndicates if this object supports a font.  
SupportsStrokeIndicates if this object supports a stroke.  
TagGets or sets a user-defined data object that is associated with this object.  
Public Methods
CloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnObject.  
DeserializeLoads this object with data from the specified xml.  
GetInvalidateRectGets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject.  
HitTestPerforms hit-testing on this AnnObject.  
LockLocks this AnnObject with the specified password.  
OnPropertyChangedRaises the PropertyChanged event.  
RotateRotates the AnnObject around a point.  
ScaleScales the AnnObject by the specified ratios.  
ScaleVectorScales the AnnObject by the specified ratios, unit vector and center point.  
SerializeSerializes the object to an xml document.  
SetIdSets the ID of this AnnObject.  
TranslateTranslates the AnnObject by the specified values.  
UnlockUnlocks this AnnObject with the specified password.  
Protected Methods
CreateCreates a new instance of AnnObject.  
GetBoundingRectangleGets the bounding rectangle for this AnnObject.  
OnPointsChangedOccurs when the Points for this AnnObject have changed.  
Public Events
PropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs  
See Also


AnnObject Object
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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