LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering)

Attach Method (AnnHtml5RenderingEngine)

Show in webframe
The annotation container that contains the objects to draw.
The destination canvas context 2d to render the annotations to.
Attaches this renderng engine to a container and a canvas context 2d.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.AnnHtml5RenderingEngine.attach( 
   container ,


containerAnnContainerThe annotation container that contains the objects to draw.
contextLeadtools.Html.CanvasContext2DThe destination canvas context 2d to render the annotations to.

After this method is called, the Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.Render(Leadtools.LeadRectD,System.Boolean) method will draw all the objects in container into the destination graphics context (context) using the Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper set in AnnContainer.Mappper.

When rendering is done, you can call Detach to remove the coupling between the engine and container/context.

See Also


AnnHtml5RenderingEngine Object
AnnHtml5RenderingEngine Members



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