LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)

DragStarted Event

Show in webframe
Occurs when the user starts a drag operation.
add_dragStarted(function(sender, e))
dragStarted.add(function(sender, e))
remove_dragStarted(function(sender, e))
dragStarted.remove(function(sender, e))

The DragStarted event will fire when any of the following occurs:

Note that if the value of EnableMouseWheel is set to true, then mouse wheel events on desktop browsers are converted into DragStarted, DragDelta and DragCompleted events. Use the following code snippet to check if the event originated from a mouse wheel:

            if (e.get_nativeElementEvent().type === Leadtools.LTHelper.mouseWheelEvent) {
               // This is mouse wheel event
Event Data
Parameter Type Description
sender 'var' The source of the event.
e InteractiveDragStartedEventArgs The event data.
See Also


InteractiveService Object
InteractiveService Members



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