LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

RasterExceptionCode Enumeration

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Used as a value for the RasterException.Code property.
public enum RasterExceptionCode : System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
Public Enum RasterExceptionCode 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterExceptionCode
public enum RasterExceptionCode : System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  


Leadtools.RasterExceptionCode = function() { };
Leadtools.RasterExceptionCode.prototype = {
ServerLicenseNotActivated = 0xFFFFF921, ConnectionToLicenseServerFailed = 0xFFFFF922, AppNotRegisteredForServerLicense = 0xFFFFF923, UserNotRegisteredForServerLicense = 0xFFFFF924, InvalidServerLicense = 0xFFFFF925, InvalidLicense = 0xFFFFF926, IncorrectWidthAdjusted = 0xFFFFF927, NoServerLicense = 0xFFFFF928, BasicNotEnabled = 0xFFFFF929, AppStoreNotEnabled = 0xFFFFF92A, LeadPrinterNetworkNotEnabled = 0xFFFFF9A4, PdfBadInterpageLinks = 0xFFFFF9C1, IngCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9C2, PubCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9C3, MobCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9C4, HtmCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9C5, KernelExpired = 0xFFFFF9C9, DcfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9CB, JlsCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9CC, JxrCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9CD, VffCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9CE, ItgCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9CF, XwdCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D0, XpsCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D1, WpgCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D2, WmzCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D3, WfxCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D4, VpgCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D5, VecCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D6, TgaCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D7, TdbCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D8, SvgCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9D9, SnpCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9DA, ShpCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9DC, SgmCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9DD, SgiCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9DE, SffCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9DF, RasCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E0, PspCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E1, PsdCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E2, PcxCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E3, PcdCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E4, NtfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E5, MspCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E6, MngCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E7, MifCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E8, LmbCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9E9, CinCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9EA, JpmCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9EB, Jp2CodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9EC, IffCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9ED, HdpCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9EE, GifCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9EF, FlcCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F0, FitCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F1, EpsCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F2, DwgCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F3, DwfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F4, DrwCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F5, CrwCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F7, ClpCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F8, CgmCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9F9, BitmapFormatUnsupported = 0xFFFFF9FB, PdfEngineMissing = 0xFFFFF9FC, MedicalViewerActionAlreadyAdded = 0xFFFFF9FD, MedicalViewerActionNotAdded = 0xFFFFF9FE, RtfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFF9FF, LeadPrinterServerNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFA00, LeadPrinterNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFA01, PreProcessCantOpenChoiceFile = 0xFFFFFA02, PreProcessReadingEdgesFile = 0xFFFFFA03, PreProcessReadingTemplateFile = 0xFFFFFA04, PreProcessBadRejectMode = 0xFFFFFA05, PreProcessBadOkMode = 0xFFFFFA06, PreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharset = 0xFFFFFA07, PreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecification = 0xFFFFFA08, PreProcessHeapFull = 0xFFFFFA09, PreProcessIllegalNumFeatures = 0xFFFFFA0A, PreProcessIllegalFeatureParam = 0xFFFFFA0B, PreProcessIllegalShortName = 0xFFFFFA0C, PreProcessIllegalNumSets = 0xFFFFFA0D, PreProcessIllegalFloat = 0xFFFFFA0E, PreProcessIllegalStyleSpec = 0xFFFFFA0F, PreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpec = 0xFFFFFA10, PreProcessIllegalDistribution = 0xFFFFFA11, PreProcessIllegalVarianceSpec = 0xFFFFFA12, PreProcessIllegalMeadnSpec = 0xFFFFFA13, PreProcessIllegalSampleCount = 0xFFFFFA14, PreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpec = 0xFFFFFA15, PreProcessIllegalEssentialSpec = 0xFFFFFA16, PreProcessIllegalCircularSpec = 0xFFFFFA17, PreProcessIllegalSampleSize = 0xFFFFFA18, PreProcessCodesIllegalsum = 0xFFFFFA19, PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemaining = 0xFFFFFA1A, PreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeft = 0xFFFFFA1B, PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRight = 0xFFFFFA1C, PreProcessCantFindPointBand = 0xFFFFFA1D, PreProcessWrongWord = 0xFFFFFA1E, PreProcessCantScaleEdgeSteps = 0xFFFFFA1F, PreProcessInit = 0xFFFFFA20, PreProcessBadState = 0xFFFFFA21, J2kBoxNotAvailable = 0xFFFFFA23, RawCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFA27, BmpCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFA28, DocumentWritersPdfNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFA29, MediaWriterNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFA2A, DocumentWritersNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFA2B, ChannelMissing = 0xFFFFFA2C, InvalidDib = 0xFFFFFA2D, FileCreate = 0xFFFFFA2E, InvalidLutLength = 0xFFFFFA32, ImageProcessingDllMissing = 0xFFFFFA38, AnnotationDllMissing = 0xFFFFFA39, FormsLocked = 0xFFFFFA3A, JpipLocked = 0xFFFFFA3B, Gray32Unsupported = 0xFFFFFAAC, NitfLocked = 0xFFFFFAAD, Jbig2Locked = 0xFFFFFAAE, AbcLocked = 0xFFFFFAAF, SignedDataNotSupported = 0xFFFFFAB0, InvalidCodecName = 0xFFFFFAB7, ICCImageNotSupported = 0xFFFFFB7E, InvalidICCProfile = 0xFFFFFB7F, ICCUnknownTagAndType = 0xFFFFFB80, ICCUnknownType = 0xFFFFFB81, ICCUnknownTag = 0xFFFFFB82, ProNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFC5E, InvalidColorspace = 0xFFFFFC6A, CompactAborted = 0xFFFFFC6B, InvalidPassword = 0xFFFFFC70, NoMessage = 0xFFFFFC71, ImageSize = 0xFFFFFC72, ClrCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFC7C, PngCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCC7, Jb2CodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCC8, AbiCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCC9, AbcCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCCA, DcsCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCCB, KdcCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCCC, DcrCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFCCD, SegmentationDllMissing = 0xFFFFFCCE, CorruptProfile = 0xFFFFFCCF, OverlayIndex = 0xFFFFFCD0, NoOverlay = 0xFFFFFCD1, NullPointer = 0xFFFFFCD2, DecodingProfile = 0xFFFFFCD3, NoProfile = 0xFFFFFCD4, MarkerIndex = 0xFFFFFCD5, ExtensionsMissing = 0xFFFFFCD6, MarkerMissing = 0xFFFFFCD7, MarkerSizeTooBig = 0xFFFFFCD8, ColorConversionDllMissing = 0xFFFFFCD9, BadResyncMarker = 0xFFFFFCDA, FileReadOnly = 0xFFFFFCDB, ExtGrayNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFCDC, DicomNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFCDD, AudioMissing = 0xFFFFFCDE, BadMarker = 0xFFFFFCDF, LayerMissing = 0xFFFFFCE0, TruncateWidthAndHeight = 0xFFFFFCE3, TruncateWidth = 0xFFFFFCE4, TruncateHeight = 0xFFFFFCE5, UnsupportedConversion = 0xFFFFFCE6, PlanarAlignmentNotSupported = 0xFFFFFCE7, NoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupported = 0xFFFFFCE8, UVNotMultiples = 0xFFFFFCE9, InvalidStructSize = 0xFFFFFCEB, InvalidColorProfile = 0xFFFFFCEC, OpeningProfile = 0xFFFFFCED, UnsupportedMethod = 0xFFFFFCEE, InvalidFormat = 0xFFFFFCEF, PdfBadInitializationFiles = 0xFFFFFD27, PdfBadContent = 0xFFFFFD28, PdfCannotEditFile = 0xFFFFFD29, PdfFontsDirectoryNotFound = 0xFFFFFD2A, PdfInvDocStructuringComments = 0xFFFFFD2B, PdfJpegNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFD2C, PdfFaxNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFD2D, PdfInvalidPassword = 0xFFFFFD2E, PdfFileEncrypted = 0xFFFFFD2F, J2kLocked = 0xFFFFFDE2, J2kCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFDE3, J2kUnsupported = 0xFFFFFDE4, J2kMarkerValue = 0xFFFFFDE5, J2kDecompositionLevel = 0xFFFFFDE6, J2kLowTargetSize = 0xFFFFFDE7, J2kInformationSet = 0xFFFFFDE8, J2kNoSot = 0xFFFFFDE9, J2kNoSoc = 0xFFFFFDEA, J2kFailure = 0xFFFFFDEB, Jp2Unsupported = 0xFFFFFDEC, Jp2Signature = 0xFFFFFDED, Jp2Failure = 0xFFFFFDEE, PdfNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFE68, TagMissing = 0xFFFFFE6C, TifCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFE99, PdfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFE9A, FaxCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFE9B, CmpCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFE9C, CmwCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFE9D, CmwLocked = 0xFFFFFE9E, VectorKernelMissing = 0xFFFFFE9F, NothingToDo = 0xFFFFFEA1, WmfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFEA3, JbigCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFEC1, MedicalNetNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFEC2, JbigNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFEC5, MedicalNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFEC6, DeleteLastPage = 0xFFFFFEC9, PageNotFound = 0xFFFFFECA, DxfCodecMissing = 0xFFFFFECB, DiskIsFull = 0xFFFFFED9, BufferTooSmall = 0xFFFFFEDE, InvalidHandle = 0xFFFFFEFB, Exception = 0xFFFFFF6B, LzwLocked = 0xFFFFFF6E, NoChange = 0xFFFFFF6F, ImageEmpty = 0xFFFFFF70, DocumentNotEnabled = 0xFFFFFF71, BadStamp = 0xFFFFFF72, InvalidStampSize = 0xFFFFFF73, BadTag = 0xFFFFFF74, UserAbort = 0xFFFFFF9C, NotEnoughImages = 0xFFFFFFA4, VersionNumber = 0xFFFFFFB2, BadDecodeState = 0xFFFFFFB3, Internal = 0xFFFFFFB6, NoStamp = 0xFFFFFFBF, CompressedDataFailure = 0xFFFFFFC2, BadPointer = 0xFFFFFFC4, CUFailure = 0xFFFFFFC5, CUNoSupport = 0xFFFFFFC6, InvalidAbortion = 0xFFFFFFC7, InvalidSubImage = 0xFFFFFFC8, TooManyACCodeTables = 0xFFFFFFC9, TooManyDCCodeTables = 0xFFFFFFCA, MissingFunctionPointer = 0xFFFFFFCB, InsufficientData = 0xFFFFFFCC, InvalidACCodeTable = 0xFFFFFFCD, InvalidDCCodeTable = 0xFFFFFFCE, InvalidQVisTable = 0xFFFFFFCF, InvalidSubsampling = 0xFFFFFFD0, SegmentOverflow = 0xFFFFFFD1, InvalidPixBufferDimensions = 0xFFFFFFD2, InvalidTileDimension = 0xFFFFFFD3, InvalidImageDimensions = 0xFFFFFFD4, InvalidPixelSampling = 0xFFFFFFD7, InvalidPixelType = 0xFFFFFFD8, InvalidComponentNumber = 0xFFFFFFD9, InvalidCompressedType = 0xFFFFFFDA, InvalidData = 0xFFFFFFDB, InvalidQValue = 0xFFFFFFDC, MissingTileData = 0xFFFFFFDD, InvalidBuffer = 0xFFFFFFDE, InvalidTableType = 0xFFFFFFE0, CUBusy = 0xFFFFFFE1, NotInitialized = 0xFFFFFFE2, NormalAbort = 0xFFFFFFE3, WindowSize = 0xFFFFFFE4, BitsPerPixel = 0xFFFFFFE5, OutputType = 0xFFFFFFE9, QFactor = 0xFFFFFFEB, FeatureNotSupported = 0xFFFFFFF0, UnknownCompression = 0xFFFFFFF1, FileOpen = 0xFFFFFFF2, InvalidParameter = 0xFFFFFFF3, ImageType = 0xFFFFFFF4, InvalidRange = 0xFFFFFFF5, FileNotFound = 0xFFFFFFF6, FileFormat = 0xFFFFFFF7, InvalidFileName = 0xFFFFFFF8, FileRead = 0xFFFFFFF9, FileGone = 0xFFFFFFFA, FileWrite = 0xFFFFFFFB, FileSeek = 0xFFFFFFFC, MemoryTooLow = 0xFFFFFFFD, NoImage = 0xFFFFFFFE, NoMemory = 0xFFFFFFFF, Failure = 0x00000000, Success = 0x00000001, SuccessAbort = 0x00000002, SuccessDelete = 0x00000003, SuccessRetry = 0x00000004, SuccessPartialFailure = 0x00000008, };
public enum class RasterExceptionCode : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0xFFFFF921ServerLicenseNotActivatedServer runtime license has not been activated or machine has changed
0xFFFFF922ConnectionToLicenseServerFailedConnection to license server failed
0xFFFFF923AppNotRegisteredForServerLicenseSpecified application for server license was not registered
0xFFFFF924UserNotRegisteredForServerLicenseSpecified user for server license was not registered
0xFFFFF925InvalidServerLicenseInvalid runtime server license
0xFFFFF926InvalidLicenseInvalid runtime license
0xFFFFF927IncorrectWidthAdjustedThe width seems to be incorrect and has been automatically adjusted
0xFFFFF928NoServerLicenseRequires a server license
0xFFFFF929BasicNotEnabledLEADTOOLS Basic license is required to use this functionality
0xFFFFF92AAppStoreNotEnabledLEADTOOLS App Store license is required to use this functionality
0xFFFFF9A4LeadPrinterNetworkNotEnabledLEADTOOLS Printer Driver Network is required to use this functionality
0xFFFFF9C1PdfBadInterpageLinksPDF Warning - PDF has "internal links" which refer to other pages that do not exist
0xFFFFF9C2IngCodecMissingThe ING codec is needed to use this function
0xFFFFF9C3PubCodecMissingThe PUB codec is needed to use this function
0xFFFFF9C4MobCodecMissingThe MOB codec is needed to use this function
0xFFFFF9C5HtmCodecMissingThe HTM codec is needed to use this function
0xFFFFF9C9KernelExpiredThe LEADTOOLS Kernel has expired
0xFFFFF9CBDcfCodecMissingDCF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9CCJlsCodecMissingJLS codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9CDJxrCodecMissingJXR codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9CEVffCodecMissingVFF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9CFItgCodecMissingITG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D0XwdCodecMissingXWD codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D1XpsCodecMissingXPS codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D2WpgCodecMissingWPG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D3WmzCodecMissingWMZ codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D4WfxCodecMissingWFX codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D5VpgCodecMissingVPG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D6VecCodecMissingVEC codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D7TgaCodecMissingTGA codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D8TdbCodecMissingTDB codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9D9SvgCodecMissingSVG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9DASnpCodecMissingSNP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9DCShpCodecMissingSHP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9DDSgmCodecMissingSGM codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9DESgiCodecMissingSGI codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9DFSffCodecMissingSFF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E0RasCodecMissingRAS codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E1PspCodecMissingPSP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E2PsdCodecMissingPSD codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E3PcxCodecMissingPCX codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E4PcdCodecMissingPCD codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E5NtfCodecMissingNTF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E6MspCodecMissingMSP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E7MngCodecMissingMNG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E8MifCodecMissingMIF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9E9LmbCodecMissingLMB codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9EACinCodecMissingCIN codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9EBJpmCodecMissingJPM codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9ECJp2CodecMissingJP2 codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9EDIffCodecMissingIFF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9EEHdpCodecMissingHDP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9EFGifCodecMissingGIF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F0FlcCodecMissingFLC codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F1FitCodecMissingFIT codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F2EpsCodecMissingEPS codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F3DwgCodecMissingDWG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F4DwfCodecMissingDWF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F5DrwCodecMissingDRW codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F7CrwCodecMissingCRW codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F8ClpCodecMissingCLP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9F9CgmCodecMissingCGM codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFF9FBBitmapFormatUnsupportedThe bitmap format is not supported
0xFFFFF9FCPdfEngineMissingLeadtools.PdfEngine.dll assembly is not found
0xFFFFF9FDMedicalViewerActionAlreadyAddedThe sepcified action is already added to the Image Viewer Cell
0xFFFFF9FEMedicalViewerActionNotAddedThe sepcified action is not added to the Image Viewer Cell
0xFFFFF9FFRtfCodecMissingRTF codec is missing
0xFFFFFA00LeadPrinterServerNotEnabledLEADTOOLS Printer Driver Server is required to use this function
0xFFFFFA01LeadPrinterNotEnabledLEADTOOLS Printer Driver capability is required to use this function
0xFFFFFA02PreProcessCantOpenChoiceFilePreprocessing engine could not open choice file. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA03PreProcessReadingEdgesFilePreprocessing engine error while reading edges from file. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA04PreProcessReadingTemplateFilePreprocessing engine error reading template file. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA05PreProcessBadRejectModePreprocessing engine bad reject mode. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA06PreProcessBadOkModePreprocessing engine bad OK mode. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA07PreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharsetPreprocessing engine invalid Unicode character set. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA08PreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecificationPreprocessing engine illegal ambiguity specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA09PreProcessHeapFullPreprocessing engine heap size exceeded. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA0APreProcessIllegalNumFeaturesPreprocessing engine illegal number of features in set. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA0BPreProcessIllegalFeatureParamPreprocessing engine illegal feature parameter spec. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA0CPreProcessIllegalShortNamePreprocessing engine illegal short name for a feature. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA0DPreProcessIllegalNumSetsPreprocessing engine illegal number of feature sets. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA0EPreProcessIllegalFloatPreprocessing engine illegal float specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA0FPreProcessIllegalStyleSpecPreprocessing engine illegal prototype style specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA10PreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpecPreprocessing engine illegal significance specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA11PreProcessIllegalDistributionPreprocessing engine illegal prototype distribution. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA12PreProcessIllegalVarianceSpecPreprocessing engine illegal prototype variance. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA13PreProcessIllegalMeadnSpecPreprocessing engine illegal prototype mean. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA14PreProcessIllegalSampleCountPreprocessing engine illegal sample count. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA15PreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpecPreprocessing engine illegal min or max specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA16PreProcessIllegalEssentialSpecPreprocessing engine illegal essential/non-essential specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA17PreProcessIllegalCircularSpecPreprocessing engine illegal circular/linear specification. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA18PreProcessIllegalSampleSizePreprocessing engine illegal sample size. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA19PreProcessCodesIllegalsumPreprocessing engine illegal sum of chain codes. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA1APreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemainingPreprocessing engine unmatched block right remaining. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA1BPreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeftPreprocessing engine unmatched block left. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA1CPreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightPreprocessing engine unmatched block right. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA1DPreProcessCantFindPointBandPreprocessing engine cannot find point band. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA1EPreProcessWrongWordPreprocessing engine word does not have blobs of that type. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA1FPreProcessCantScaleEdgeStepsPreprocessing engine attempted to scale an edge steps format word. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA20PreProcessInitPreprocessing engine initialization error or no appropriate license. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA21PreProcessBadStatePreprocessing engine is in bad state. Call LEAD
0xFFFFFA23J2kBoxNotAvailableThe required J2K box is not available
0xFFFFFA27RawCodecMissingRAW codec is missing
0xFFFFFA28BmpCodecMissingBMP codec is missing
0xFFFFFA29DocumentWritersPdfNotEnabledDocument Writer PDF support is locked
0xFFFFFA2AMediaWriterNotEnabledMedia writer capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFA2BDocumentWritersNotEnabledDocument Writers capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFA2CChannelMissingThe PSD Channel is missing
0xFFFFFA2DInvalidDibThe DIB is invalid
0xFFFFFA2EFileCreateError creating file
0xFFFFFA32InvalidLutLengthThe LUT length is invalid. LUT Length should be 1 << (RasterImage.HighBit - RasterImage.LowBit + 1)
0xFFFFFA38ImageProcessingDllMissingImage Processing DLL is missing
0xFFFFFA39AnnotationDllMissingAnnotation DLL is missing
0xFFFFFA3AFormsLockedForms support is locked
0xFFFFFA3BJpipLockedJPEP support is locked
0xFFFFFAACGray32Unsupported32-bit Grayscale images not supported
0xFFFFFAADNitfLockedNITF support is locked
0xFFFFFAAEJbig2LockedJBIG2 file format is locked
0xFFFFFAAFAbcLockedABC file format is locked
0xFFFFFAB0SignedDataNotSupportedSigned image data not supported
0xFFFFFAB7InvalidCodecNameInvalid codec name
0xFFFFFB7EICCImageNotSupportedColor Conversion - Invalid ICC profile
0xFFFFFB7FInvalidICCProfileColor Conversion - Invalid ICC profile
0xFFFFFB80ICCUnknownTagAndTypeColor Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Tag and Type
0xFFFFFB81ICCUnknownTypeColor Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Type
0xFFFFFB82ICCUnknownTagColor Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Tag
0xFFFFFC5EProNotEnabledLEADTOOLS Pro Features are not enabled
0xFFFFFC6AInvalidColorspaceColor Conversion Error - Invalid colorspace
0xFFFFFC6BCompactAbortedThe compact method was finished without copying all the pages
0xFFFFFC70InvalidPasswordInvalid password
0xFFFFFC71NoMessageThere is no message
0xFFFFFC72ImageSizeImage size not sufficient
0xFFFFFC7CClrCodecMissingLeadtools.ColorConversion.dll assembly is not loaded
0xFFFFFCC7PngCodecMissingPNG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCC8Jb2CodecMissingJB2 (JBIG2) codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCC9AbiCodecMissingABI (ABIC) codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCCAAbcCodecMissingABC codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCCBDcsCodecMissingDCS codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCCCKdcCodecMissingKDC codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCCDDcrCodecMissingDCR codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFCCESegmentationDllMissingSegmentation DLL is missing
0xFFFFFCCFCorruptProfileColor Conversion - The ICC profile was invalid
0xFFFFFCD0OverlayIndexSomething is wrong with the overlay index
0xFFFFFCD1NoOverlayThe overlay does not exist
0xFFFFFCD2NullPointerA NULL pointer was passed
0xFFFFFCD3DecodingProfileColor Conversion - An error has occured while decoding the profile
0xFFFFFCD4NoProfileColor Conversion - The ICC profile was not found
0xFFFFFCD5MarkerIndexThe marker index is invalid (too big)
0xFFFFFCD6ExtensionsMissingThis file does not contain Exif extensions
0xFFFFFCD7MarkerMissingThe required JPEG marker is missing
0xFFFFFCD8MarkerSizeTooBigThe size of the JPEG marker cannot exceed 64K
0xFFFFFCD9ColorConversionDllMissingColor conversion DLL is missing
0xFFFFFCDABadResyncMarkerBad JPEG Resync marker
0xFFFFFCDBFileReadOnlyFile is read-only. Cannot open file with write access
0xFFFFFCDCExtGrayNotEnabledExtended grayscale support is required to use this method
0xFFFFFCDDDicomNotEnabledDICOM support is required to use this method
0xFFFFFCDEAudioMissingThe audio data is not present
0xFFFFFCDFBadMarkerBad JPEG marker
0xFFFFFCE0LayerMissingThe PSD Layer is missing
0xFFFFFCE3TruncateWidthAndHeightColor Conversion - Truncate width and height
0xFFFFFCE4TruncateWidthColor Conversion - Truncate width
0xFFFFFCE5TruncateHeightColor Conversion - Truncate height
0xFFFFFCE6UnsupportedConversionColor Conversion - Unsupported conversion
0xFFFFFCE7PlanarAlignmentNotSupportedColor Conversion - Planar alignment not supported
0xFFFFFCE8NoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupportedNo non planar vertical sub sampling supported
0xFFFFFCE9UVNotMultiplesColor Conversion - U and V not multiples
0xFFFFFCEBInvalidStructSizeThe structure size is invalid
0xFFFFFCECInvalidColorProfileColor Conversion - Invalid color profile
0xFFFFFCEDOpeningProfileColor Conversion - Error opening profile
0xFFFFFCEEUnsupportedMethodColor Conversion - Method not supported
0xFFFFFCEFInvalidFormatColor Conversion - Invalid format
0xFFFFFD27PdfBadInitializationFilesPDF Error - Either the files required for initializing the PDF engine were not found or they were found but incorrect
0xFFFFFD28PdfBadContentPDF Error - File is corrupted
0xFFFFFD29PdfCannotEditFilePDF Error - Cannot insert, delete, append or replace pages
0xFFFFFD2APdfFontsDirectoryNotFoundPDF Error - Could not find Fonts directory
0xFFFFFD2BPdfInvDocStructuringCommentsPDF Error - Invalid Document Structuring comments (Ps and EPS)
0xFFFFFD2CPdfJpegNotEnabledPDF Error - JPEG support is required for this operation
0xFFFFFD2DPdfFaxNotEnabledPDF Error - FAX support is required for this operation
0xFFFFFD2EPdfInvalidPasswordPDF Error - Invalid password specified
0xFFFFFD2FPdfFileEncryptedPDF Error - The file is encrypted and password is not supplied
0xFFFFFDE2J2kLockedJ2K support is locked
0xFFFFFDE3J2kCodecMissingJ2K codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFDE4J2kUnsupportedJ2K file has image with more than 30 bits per component
0xFFFFFDE5J2kMarkerValueDecoder could not translate J2K marker - file is corrupt or invalid
0xFFFFFDE6J2kDecompositionLevelSpecified Wavelet decomposition level was too high
0xFFFFFDE7J2kLowTargetSizeCompression ratio, target file size, or tile size was too small for encoder
0xFFFFFDE8J2kInformationSetInvalid save options were specified or file includes invalid encoded values
0xFFFFFDE9J2kNoSotFile contains complete header but no compressed image data
0xFFFFFDEAJ2kNoSocFile header does not contain SOC marker
0xFFFFFDEBJ2kFailureInvalid save options were specified to the encoder
0xFFFFFDECJp2UnsupportedJP2 file has a feature that is unsupported
0xFFFFFDEDJp2SignatureThe header does not match the JP2 signature - not a JP2 file
0xFFFFFDEEJp2FailureError in JP2 Box values
0xFFFFFE68PdfNotEnabledPDF capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFE6CTagMissingTag not found
0xFFFFFE99TifCodecMissingTIF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFE9APdfCodecMissingPDF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFE9BFaxCodecMissingFAX codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFE9CCmpCodecMissingCMP codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFE9DCmwCodecMissingCMW codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFE9ECmwLockedThe CMW support is locked
0xFFFFFE9FVectorKernelMissingVector kernel DLL is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFEA1NothingToDoThere is nothing to do. No items was found
0xFFFFFEA3WmfCodecMissingWMF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFEC1JbigCodecMissingThe JBIG codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFEC2MedicalNetNotEnabledMedical Network Express capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFEC5JbigNotEnabledJBIG capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFEC6MedicalNotEnabledMedical Express capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFEC9DeleteLastPageYou cannot delete a page from a file containing only one page
0xFFFFFECAPageNotFoundPage not found
0xFFFFFECBDxfCodecMissingThe DXF codec is needed to use this method
0xFFFFFED9DiskIsFullnot enough disk space
0xFFFFFEDEBufferTooSmallThe buffer size is too small
0xFFFFFEFBInvalidHandleInvalid handle
0xFFFFFF6BExceptionAn unspecified exception occurred - could be memory access violations
0xFFFFFF6ELzwLockedThe LZW capabilities are locked
0xFFFFFF6FNoChangeThe image has not changed
0xFFFFFF70ImageEmptyImage is empty
0xFFFFFF71DocumentNotEnabledDocument capability is required to use this method
0xFFFFFF72BadStampStamp is present but data is corrupted
0xFFFFFF73InvalidStampSizeStamp size is too big or invalid bits/pixel, etc
0xFFFFFF74BadTagBad TIFF tag
0xFFFFFF9CUserAbortUser has aborted operation
0xFFFFFFA4NotEnoughImagesNot enough images
0xFFFFFFB2VersionNumberbad version number
0xFFFFFFB3BadDecodeStatepremature end-of-line code
0xFFFFFFB6InternalInternal error
0xFFFFFFBFNoStampStamp not found
0xFFFFFFC2CompressedDataFailureInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFC4BadPointerInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFC5CUFailureInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFC6CUNoSupportInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFC7InvalidAbortionInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFC8InvalidSubImageInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFC9TooManyACCodeTablesInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFCATooManyDCCodeTablesInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFCBMissingFunctionPointerInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFCCInsufficientDataInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFCDInvalidACCodeTableInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFCEInvalidDCCodeTableInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFCFInvalidQVisTableInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD0InvalidSubsamplingInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD1SegmentOverflowInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD2InvalidPixBufferDimensionsInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD3InvalidTileDimensionInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD4InvalidImageDimensionsInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD7InvalidPixelSamplingInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD8InvalidPixelTypeInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFD9InvalidComponentNumberInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFDAInvalidCompressedTypeInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFDBInvalidDataInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFDCInvalidQValueInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFDDMissingTileDataInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFDEInvalidBufferInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFE0InvalidTableTypeInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFE1CUBusyInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFE2NotInitializedInternal error - call LEAD
0xFFFFFFE3NormalAbortEscape key pressed - or user aborted operation
0xFFFFFFE4WindowSizeInvalid window size
0xFFFFFFE5BitsPerPixelInvalid bits/pixel
0xFFFFFFE9OutputTypeInvalid compression format
0xFFFFFFEBQFactorInvalid QFactor specified
0xFFFFFFF0FeatureNotSupportedFeature not supported
0xFFFFFFF1UnknownCompressionUnknown compression format
0xFFFFFFF2FileOpenNot able to open file
0xFFFFFFF3InvalidParameterInvalid parameter passed
0xFFFFFFF4ImageTypeImage format recognized, but sub-type not supported
0xFFFFFFF5InvalidRangeInvalid width/height
0xFFFFFFF6FileNotFoundFile not found
0xFFFFFFF7FileFormatInvalid file format
0xFFFFFFF8InvalidFileNameInvalid filename specified
0xFFFFFFF9FileReadError reading file
0xFFFFFFFAFileGoneFile not present - abort
0xFFFFFFFBFileWriteError writing file
0xFFFFFFFCFileSeekError seeking to position
0xFFFFFFFDMemoryTooLowNot enough memory available
0xFFFFFFFENoImageInvalid bitmap handle
0xFFFFFFFFNoMemoryNot enough memory available
0x00000000FailureNot successful
0x00000001SuccessSuccessful. No errors.
0x00000002SuccessAbortMethod successful. You can quit now
0x00000003SuccessDeleteSuccessful. Delete file before quitting
0x00000004SuccessRetrySuccessful. Retry doing the failed operation
0x00000008SuccessPartialFailureMethod called recursively. A least one call was successful, but some failed
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools Namespace



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