| Name | Description |
 | Access | Provides exclusive access to the image data contained in this RasterImage.      |
 | AccessData | Provides exclusive access to the image data contained in this RasterImage.  |
 | AddBeziersToRegion | Overloaded. Creates or updates the image region by adding a bezier region. |
 | AddBorderToRegion | Creates a region of pixels with values that fall within a range defined by the value of a specific pixel and a lower and upper tolerance value but are not equal to the .     |
 | AddColorHsvRangeToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels that fall in the given HSV color range.      |
 | AddColorRgbRangeToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels that fall in the given RGB color range.      |
 | AddColorToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels of a specified color.      |
 | AddCurveToRegion | Overloaded. Creates or updates the image region by adding a curved region.  |
 | AddEllipseToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding an elliptical region.     |
 | AddMagicWandToRegion | Sets a region based on the color found at point x, y in the image.     |
 | AddMaskToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the white pixels in a 1-bit mask image.      |
 | AddPage | Adds a new page to this RasterImage.      |
 | AddPages | Adds one or more images to this RasterImage.      |
 | AddPolygonToRegion | Overloaded. Creates or updates the image region by adding a polygonal region.  |
 | AddRectangleToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding a rectangular region.      |
 | AddRoundRectangleToRegion | Creates or updates the image region by adding a rounded rectangular region.  |
  | CalculatePaintModeRectangle | Adjusts the given rectangle based on the given paint mode properties.      |
 | CalculateRegionArea | Gets the total number of pixels in the image region.      |
 | CalculateRegionMaximumClipSegments | Gets the number of elements required to hold the clip segments for any row in the region.      |
 | ChangeCompression | Compresses or decompresses this RasterImage.    |
  | ChangeFromDib | Changes a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) to a LEAD RasterImage object. |
 | ChangeHeight | Increases or decreases the allocated height of an image.      |
 | ChangeToDib | Changes a LEAD RasterImage object to a Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB). |
 | ChangeViewPerspective | Rotates and flips the image data as necessary to achieve the desired view perspective.      |
 | Clone | Overloaded. Creates an exact copy of the current page of this RasterImage.      |
 | CloneAll | Creates an exact copy of this RasterImage.      |
 | CopyData | Overloaded. Updates the data of this RasterImage.  |
 | CopyMetadataTo | Copies the metadata (tags, comments, and markers) to the given image.      |
 | CopyPaletteTo | Copies the palette of this RasterImage into a destination image.      |
  | Create | Creates a new RasterImage using the specified parameters.      |
 | CreateAlphaImage | Creates a grayscale image from this RasterImage alpha channel data.      |
  | CreateFromArray | Constructs a new RasterImage object using the specified parameters and optional managed memory.  |
  | CreateFromBuffer | Creates a new RasterImage using the specified parameters.  |
  | CreateFromIntPtr | Creates a new RasterImage using the specified parameters.  |
  | CreateGrayscale | Creates a new grayscale RasterImage using the specified parameters.      |
 | CreateMaskFromRegion | Creates a 1-bit mask image from the region that is defined in the image.      |
 | CreateThumbnail | Creates a thumbnail image of this RasterImage.      |
 | DisableEvents | Disables raising the Changed event.      |
 | Dispose | Overloaded. Releases all resources used by this RasterImage.     |
 | DitherLine | Overloaded. Used in a loop, dithers the line in a specified input buffer, and writes it to an output buffer.      |
 | EnableEvents | Enables raising the Changed event.      |
 | FlipRegion | Flips the image region (top to bottom).      |
 | FlipViewPerspective | Flips this RasterImage image by changing its ViewPerspective.      |
  | FromDib | Overloaded. Creates a new image from the specified Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) stored in a managed array.   |
  | FromDibArray | Creates a new image from the specified Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) stored in a managed array.   |
  | FromDibPtr | Creates a new image from the specified Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) stored in an unmanaged pointer.  |
 | GetImageHeightDpi | Gets the height of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective and YResolution into account.      |
 | GetImageSizeDpi | Gets the size in pixels of this RasterImage object, taking YResolution into account.      |
 | GetImageWidthDpi | Gets the width of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective and XResolution into account.      |
 | GetLookupTable | Gets the 8-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.      |
 | GetLookupTable16 | Gets the 16-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.      |
 | GetObjectData | Populates a specified System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object. |
 | GetOverlayAttributes | Gets one or more overlay attributes for the specified index.      |
 | GetOverlayImage | Gets the overlay image for the specified index.      |
 | GetPaintLookupTable | For internal use by LEADTOOLS.      |
 | GetPaintLookupTable16 | For internal use by LEADTOOLS.      |
 | GetPalette | Gets a copy of the palette of this RasterImage object that will be used by 1-8 bit color or grayscale image.      |
 | GetPixel | Returns the color of the specified pixel.      |
 | GetPixelColor | Returns the color of the specified pixel.      |
 | GetPixelData | Overloaded. Copies the pixel data of the specified pixel into an unmanaged memory buffer.    |
 | GetRegion | Gets the RasterRegion object that describes this RasterImage current region.     |
 | GetRegionBounds | Gets the bounding rectangle of the image region.      |
 | GetRegionBoundsClipped | Gets the bounding rectangle of the image region.      |
 | GetRegionClipSegments | Gets the segments contained in the region for a particular row.      |
 | GetRow | Overloaded. Retrieves one or more rows of image data from this RasterImage into a managed memory buffer.  |
 | GetRowColumn | Overloaded. Accepts a column offset to retrieve data from an image and place it in a buffer.  |
 | GetRowColumnCompressed | Overloaded. Retrieves a row (or part of a row) of 1-bit compressed data from an image that has been loaded in its compressed format.  |
 | GetRowCompressed | Overloaded. Retrieves one or more rows of 1-bit compressed data from an image that has been loaded in its compressed format.  |
 | GetTrueColorValue | Gets the true (RGB) value of the specified color based on the current image palette.      |
 | InsertPage | Inserts a new page into this RasterImage.      |
 | InsertPages | Inserts one or more pages into this RasterImage.      |
 | MakeRegionEmpty | Removes the region from the image and frees the memory used for the region.      |
 | OffsetRegion | Moves the image region by the specified number of rows and columns.      |
 | OnChanged | Raises the Changed event.      |
 | PointFromImage | Translates a point (x,y) from this RasterImage view perspective to the specified view perspective.      |
 | PointToImage | Translates a point (x,y) from the specified view perspective to this RasterImage view perspective.      |
 | RectangleFromImage | Translates a rectangle from this RasterImage view perspective to the specified view perspective.      |
 | RectangleToImage | Translates a rectangle from a specified view perspective to this RasterImage view perspective.      |
 | RegionContains | Determines whether the specified pixel is in the image region.      |
 | Release | Releases memory locked with Access back to the system.      |
 | ReleaseData | Releases memory locked with AccessData back to the system.  |
 | RemoveAllPages | Removes all pages from this RasterImage.      |
 | RemovePageAt | Removes the page at the specified index from this RasterImage.      |
 | RemovePages | Removes one or more pages from this RasterImage.      |
 | ReplacePage | Replaces an existing page in this RasterImage.      |
 | ReplacePages | Replaces one or more pages of this RasterImage.      |
 | ReverseRegion | Flips the image region (left to right).      |
 | RotateViewPerspective | Rotates this RasterImage by changing its ViewPerspective.      |
 | SetAlphaImage | Replaces existing alpha channel data or creates new alpha channel data.      |
 | SetLookupTable | Sets the 8-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.      |
 | SetLookupTable16 | Sets the 16-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.      |
 | SetOverlayImage | Sets the overlay image for a certain index.      |
 | SetOverlayImageSize | Changes the size of the overlay image for a certain index.      |
 | SetPaintLookupTable | For internal use by LEADTOOLS.      |
 | SetPalette | Sets the palette of this RasterImage object that will be used by 1-8 bit color or grayscale image.      |
 | SetPixel | Changes the color value of the specified pixel.      |
 | SetPixelColor | Changes the color value of the specified pixel.      |
 | SetPixelData | Overloaded. Changes the data of the specified pixel by copying from an unmanaged memory buffer.    |
 | SetRegion | Sets or updates the RasterRegion object that describes this RasterImage current region.     |
 | SetRow | Overloaded. Copies one or more rows of image data to this RasterImage.  |
 | SetRowColumn | Overloaded. Copies data from a buffer into an image, with an offset to the image.  |
 | SetRowColumnCompressed | Overloaded. Puts a row (or part of a row) of 1-bit compressed data from a buffer into an image that is maintained in its compressed format.  |
 | SetRowCompressed | Overloaded. Puts one or more rows of 1-bit compressed data from a buffer into an image that is maintained in its compressed format.  |
 | SetRowSegments | Overloaded. For internal use by LEADTOOLS.      |
 | SetUserData | Sets the data for the image to the specified unmanaged memory buffer.     |
 | StartDithering | Initializes the buffered dithering of an image.      |
 | StopDithering | Cleans up all data variables and buffers allocated by the StartDithering and DitherLine(Byte[],Int32,Byte[],Int32) methods.      |
 | ToDib | Gets an unmanaged pointer containing a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) version of this image.    |
 | ToDib_WinRT | Gets an unmanaged pointer containing a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) version of this image. |
 | ToDibArray | Gets a managed buffer containing a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) version of this image.   |
 | TranslateColor | Overloaded. Translates the specified color in the image, and returns the nearest matching color in the destination image.      |
 | Underlay | Combines two images so that one appears to be an underlying texture for the other.      |
 | UpdateOverlayAttributes | Updates the overlay attributes for the overlay at the specified index.      |
 | UpdateOverlayBits | Updates the overlay image pixels with the bits from the corresponding bitplane of the main image.      |
 | WindowLevel | Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for this RasterImage     |
 | WindowLevelExt | Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for this RasterImage     |